Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Herman CainImage via Wikipedia
Watching the news these days is an adventure especially when Republican presidential politics is the topic.

Herman Cain, the guy that jumped to the top of the race for no apparent reason except that there is no one on the Republican side worth voting for, has now come under scrutiny for a number of reasons which reveal a man not in control of all his faculties and someone that probably cannot chew and walk at the same time.

I know that is being harsh but he is NO presidential material and basically not intelligent enough to handle the highest office in the land. He has already backed off his 999 economic plan because it makes no sense and now is battling sexual harassment charges from a number of women.

He did himself in by changing his story at every interview; a sure sign of lying…he needs to go away.

Rick Perry, never the brightest bulb in the bunch, has stopped debating because every time he debates, he looks dumber and dumber. The last time I heard him speak, he appeared to be drunk or worst yet what if he was sober and sounding drunk. He also needs to depart but will not until the early primaries.

Romney, the flip flop guy is just not appealing to any voters and there must be reasons for all the dislike but mainly people just don’t like him as president even though he probably would make a good one.

I think serious Republicans must realize that their field of front running candidates is a joke; the others are staying in the race hoping that they will be drafted after the front runners crash and burn. This may actually be a plausible scenario and I still have my hopes up for JON HUNTSMAN who I think would make a great candidate against Obama and would actually be good for the country.

The fact that we as a nation are in dire straights and desperately need a strong, intelligent leader but what the Republicans are offering is a crying shame…be prepared for some big surprises…I hope.

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