Sunday, August 05, 2012


The revolt or even the civil war in SYRIA has been in our news on a daily basis for some time now. Many of us assume that the revolt is part of a general revolt in the Middle East that has seen dictators in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia overthrown by the citizenry for a different form of government which is still to be determined?

In Syria Bashar al-Assad is the dictator who followed his father into dictatorial power. Unlike the other countries that overthrew their dictators, the Syrian dictator is actually waging war against the rebels as in waging war against his own people?

Well maybe not.

The Syrian situation is a little different in that the government of Assad is composed of ALAWIS who are about 12% of the population of Syria and who also control the armed forces in Syria.

The people termed ALAWITE profess an ISLAMIC religion but are not seen by Sunni Muslims or Shia Muslims as Muslims at all. The little that is known about the Alawite religion is that their religion is a mixture of many religions, even Christianity and they don’t practice the customs of other Muslims like requiring women to wear some form of covering like a veil or burka.

You may say that the Alawis and the Assad government are very, very secular and therefore very tolerant of other religions. BUT most of the population of Syria is Sunni Muslims; there is a sizable minority Christian presence there also.

The rebels are basically Sunni Muslims trying to take power away from the Alawi Assad and the Alawi minority some say to turn Syria into an Islamic state; from one dictatorship to another?

The United States is helping the rebels defeat Assad and our news media is painting the rebels as the good guys and Assad and the Alawis as the bad guys but the rebels, if they win, could become our enemies by forming a Sunni IRAN.

I suppose we are aware that a Sunni dictatorship may take the place of an Assad Alawi dictatorship but are willing to take the chance that the rebels will not allow another dictatorship to form after so many have died to depose the existing dictatorship?

The Alawis in Syria are part of a greater population of Alawis living in Turkey and Lebanon where they are also despised by local Muslims who consider them pagans.

So is this a religious war or an ethnic war or just a power struggle…interesting…what do it all mean…

To me as a businessman, I could be selling a lot of my medical products into Syria but we are banned from doing so right now. I could be also selling to Iran but have been banned from doing so for many years but I may have found a way under “humanitarian medical supplies” which are allowed.

In my mind, the sooner we can do business in those countries, the sooner they will quit fighting among themselves and get down to normal living and the search for happiness and wealth. Look how that worked in China

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