I finished watching History Channel’s THE BIBLE and its last
episode, conveniently showing on Easter Sunday, and I was a little disturbed.
I acknowledge that a preface to the series stated that the Bible
stories in the TV series were “loosely” based on the Gospel stories contained
in the Bible.
The problem with that disclaimer is since the Gospels are
our ONLY sources for the life of Jesus; anything not matching up with the
Gospels is the writers’ attempt to re-write the Bible stories to match their
own religious agenda…and they did just that.
Roma Downey (plays Mary) and Mark Burnett (creator of Survivor)
produced this series which they describe as their “calling” to bring Bible
literacy to the masses but actually ended up misrepresenting the Bible.
Does that matter?
The fact that over 11 million people tuned in to see the
last days of Jesus on the “history” channel and since a majority of viewers
probably believe what they see on the “history” channel is fact, hell yes it
matters because they were deceived and will now spread that misinformation as
One attempt to deceive was having the resurrected Jesus
advocate and promote the missions of St. Paul to his apostles.
Paul never met Jesus and did not spread the message of Jesus
but used Jesus’ resurrection in his new religion called Christianity which
advocated the end of times (the apocalypse is nigh).
Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet but he dealt strictly with
the Jews; the idea of bringing in the gentiles (non-Jews) was a Pauline idea
which was rejected and opposed by the apostles of Jesus (as written in the
There were many other issues in this made for TV series
where the writers deliberately misrepresented the stories as told in the Bible
and the question is why.
Bible scholars have already chimed in with why Downey and
Burnett produced the series called The Bible the way that they did and many of
those scholars, at least the ones that commented, said that their agenda was basically
to show that all the Bible stories they decided to show (and they left out a
lot), pointed or led to Jesus as in prophesying or predicting.
I hope more Bible scholars come out and review this TV
presentation because it needs honest review and criticism even though the
damage has been done and many people were brainwashed already.
I really like this post. Your commentary is very good.