Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Detroit Circuit Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor declared Bush’s spying program unconstitutional. According to her, the law is very clear, you need a warrant to wiretap – he does not have any warrants – ergo – illegal – simple as that!

Wow! Did the people on the Right scream; she endangers our security, she works for Al Qaeda, she is a flaming liberal aiming to destroy America, how can we protect ourselves from terrorists if we can’t spy………………………………………………….

Before you get bent out of shape consider a few things. There is a special court that handles warrants for wiretapping; you can have a warrant in no time IF you apply for one.

If Bush’s program is breaking an existing law, how in the hell is a sitting judge suppose to declare it legal?

Bush is a proven liar; how can we trust him to do anything without supervision?

We all agree that spying on potential terrorists is essential to our safety but Americans are not willing to give him carte blanch – he will abuse his powers like he has before.

Congress can authorize a special law allowing Bush to bypass the standard law because of terrorist threats in this country BUT Congress has to monitor his actions – again – because he is NOT trustworthy.


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