Saturday, August 05, 2006


I was waiting for the furor to die down over Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic tirade during his DUI arrest because I knew his defenders and like thinkers would soon emerge.

To be perfectly clear, I realize that often, anyone criticizing Israel is called an anti-Semite, just like anyone criticizing African-Americans is called a racist. It is a convenient tool used by some to silence their critics. Many critics will withhold their criticism in fear of being labeled an anti-Semite or a racist. It is up to us to differentiate between the two.

For example, you can be totally against Israel's actions in the current Lebanon crisis without being an anti-Semite. But Mel Gibson's tirade and his history, label him a plain ole bigot.

To be specific, no one called Mel an anti-Semite; he issued a number of apologies on his own saying that he is NOT an anti-Semite. He did not defend what he said as anti-Israel criticism, he just said that the devil rum made his say those things that he said were anti-Semitic. The more he apologized, the more it became clear that he was apologizing for the person within. The person raised by his ultra Catholic, anti-Semitic father, who he loves so dearly.

In today's Detroit Free Press, a letter writer said that Mel apologized but who will apologized for the movie "Last Temptation of Christ", the photo of the crucifix in urine submitted as an object d'art, the Virgin Mary picture smeared with cow dung displayed at a NYC museum, the movie "DaVinci Code" and all the other terrible things done against the Catholics and their beliefs.

The letter writer obviously feels Mel's bigotry is justified in light of the anti-Christian / catholic attitude of our society?

Another letter writer blames Hollywood (obviously, famously controlled by the Jews) as getting back at Mel for his movie "The Passion of Christ". How is Hollywood getting back at Mel - by arresting him for driving drunk?

As you can see, this whole matter is very confusing but revealing. It reveals that people still hold their deep prejudices and are really bigots even though on the outside, they act oh so politically correct.

I will have more to say about the Jewish question. The bigotry has existed for hundreds of years and is alive and well today and the reasons are exactly the same - nothing has changed.


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