Tuesday, February 26, 2008

McCain still does not get it about Iraq!

Just a few words about the Iraq War.

You may have noticed that Iraq is not mentioned in the presidential campaign, at least by the Democrats; its as if it didn’t exist and soldiers no longer get killed or maimed.

Well the Iraq War is still going on; nothing has changed.

McCain has said that we are winning on all fronts. For that naiveté or shall we call it plain ignorance or stupidity; he should not be elected president.

I have been talking about this for years and everything I have said is still true and happening. The Shia and the Sunnis are not friends; they are still enemies to the death.

The Iraqi government is dysfunctional no matter what McCain says and will remain dysfunctional because the Shiites and the Sunnis will never agree to share power – one must dominate the other.

The killing has stopped – NOT – but we don’t read about as many American casualties as we did before while the Iraqis continue to die on a daily basis but in smaller numbers. The point to remember here is that the “surge” is not working; the clerics have ordered a ceasefire and that is why the killings have ebbed.

The clerics will order the militias to kill as soon as we leave – so what the fuck have we accomplished – not a damn thing.

McCain says we will have to stay in Iraq forever. I have presented a plan of splitting Iraq into three (3) and allow the three to create their own countries; only in splitting the warring factions can any semblance of peace can be achieved but McCain does not want to hear about that.

Oil revenues would have to be shared between the three sectors and only in this way it would not matter if your piece of Iraq had oil on it or not; you would still share in the wealth.

The silence of the Democrats on Iraq at least presupposes a exit plan exists but McCain has announced he has no exit plan – just stay there forever.

At least on this issue (IRAQ) the choice for president cannot be McCain.

Friday, February 22, 2008


More about Muslims and Islam.

Kosovo was in the news this week. This is a small part of Serbia that declared itself independent from Serbia and therefore a sovereign country in its own right, this week.

Kosovo has around 2 million people, most who are Muslims and have Albania roots. Their independence has and is supported enthusiastically by the United States. For this reason, Serbs burned our embassy in Belgrade to the ground and may have killed an embassy employee – they don’t want Kosovo to become independent.

Anyway, we are supporting the creation of another Islamic country?

Well it appears that the Islam practiced by the Muslims in Kosovo is a little different. They actually call it Islam “lite” or more specifically, a “laid-back” form of the religion. Yes they have Imams, temples, the Koran, minarets that call people to prayer five (5) times a day and all the other examples of an Islamic faith.

But they also have pubs that serve alcoholic beverages and allow and not bother Christians doing missionary work in their area. They don’t get crazy over cartoons of Muhammad but realize that some of their fellow Muslims in other countries are just plain terrorists justifying their terrorist ways through their religion; they don’t approve.

Their conflict with the Serbs (Orthodox Christians) was never about religion but all about territory.

For you history buffs, Islam was introduced to this part of Europe by the Ottoman Turks who did not force their religion on the indigenous population but many adopted Islam just to get ahead politically or economically. I think this is where the laid-back approach to Islam came from and continues; modern Turkey is also an example.

Bulgaria, which was also conquered by the Ottoman Turks, converted or went back to Christianity after hundreds of years under the Muslim Turks.

The fact that a moderate form of Islam exists in countries that can easily co-exist with the West is encouraging and calls for more answers to questions about Islam in general.

Obviously, Islam is just like Christianity with all the different sects and beliefs even though they all claim the one Bible as their guiding book, just like the Muslims and their Koran (Quran). I guess it’s all about what happened throughout history that led to these vastly different views and practices of the same religion.

More as I learn more…

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have written before about humans being programmed genetically to need religion and therefore to create it or invent it when one does not exist.

I have speculated that religion as the answer to unanswerable questions makes for a happier, healthier and more contented people. Of course the bloody history of religion past, present and no doubt, future probably indicates that our genes were probably not programmed for many religions just our own and there lies the rub.

Anyway, the Associated Press reports that in London “STUDY PUTS FAITH IN GOD TO TEST”. University of Oxford researchers will blow $4,000,000 to find out why mankind “embraces” God.

All these very smart people will come together to determine if “belief in a divine being is a basic part of mankind’s makeup”.

They are saying that “faith in God is a universal human impulse found in most cultures around the world” they quickly add that that impulse is on the wane in Britain and Western Europe – which fascinates the hell out of me – must know why!

The study will be funded by an American philanthropic group called the John Templeton Foundation. This Foundation is somewhat controversial in that it tends to support “right wing” research such as Intelligent Design but the foundation strongly denies this – oh, well.

I hope that this study does shed light on our predisposition to religion and the results well publicized to the masses. This is the only way to explain why totally reasonable and intelligent people believe in and practice a totally made-up fairy tale called religion.

Why are Brits and Western Europeans fell differently about religion – have they evolved to the next level of humanity and all the rest just “slow”?


Was I a little rough on the Muslims in Denmark? I don’t think so and I want to explain why.

I live in Canton, Michigan, a very diverse suburb. Construction has just finished on a new SIKH Temple here and a small HINDU Temple is being demolished to make room for one three times as large.

Our shops ate filled with products from all over the world and we shop side by side with people of all nationalities, dressed in a variety of national garbs including Muslim scarves and the occasional full burqua – not a problem.

Dearborn, another suburb of Detroit, has the largest ARAB population in the U.S. The Arabs are not all Muslims with many CHALDEANS who are from Lebanon, Syria and Iran and CHRISTIAN.

The Muslim Arabs have their own temples and actually a “Arab Town” like other areas here that are dubbed “Pole Town”, “Little Italy”, “Mexican Town” etc. The area is really cool with all the specialty shops and bakeries. They even hold a festival in the summer.

Muslims here also want to part of the community and have open house at their temples to answer questions about their faith and customs; they fear that ignorance of Islam leads to wild speculation and they don’t want that.

In our local media, especially the newspapers, Muslim representatives, usually IMMAMS get to opine about various topics including topics like the Muhammad cartoons in Denmark.

They tell us that their faith teaches them that images of Muhammad and Allah are not allowed and especially irreverent images. They tell us they are saddened and feel insulted by the cartoons. They don’t seem to address the message the cartoons are trying to present (killing in the name of religion) or that the Muslims trying to kill the cartoon artist are somehow in the wrong and the Muslims involved in the riots in Denmark because of the cartoons are also somehow in the wrong.

The Denmark Muslims are basically from Tunisia and Morocco and probably less sophisticated and therefore prone to more barbarian behavior but still a Muslim is a Muslim. Are they afraid to criticize a fellow Muslim? Christians criticize and even battle with fellow Christians – what’s different?

Shia Muslims kill, torture and maim Sunni Muslims and visa versa. Is this something like Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland?

Many non-Muslim Americans say that unless American Muslims start differentiating themselves from the Muslim crazies out there by speaking against their terrorist ways, Americans will lump them into the group they consider radical Islamists bent on destroying the West (infidels) and treat them accordingly.

I think if the Muslims want to partake of the good life that America and the West offers, they will somehow have to stand up for the country they now call home and defend it against the radicals trying to destroy it. After all, it is their home now – right?

Monday, February 18, 2008


Ironic that on the TV show 60 Minutes last night, a segment talked about why the Danes of Denmark are the happiest people on earth.

I guess when they actually defined what “happy” meant, the Danes turned out to be the most content people because they did not have high expectations and were satisfied with less. On the other hand, the 5 million Danes living in Denmark have free healthcare, free education through college and a whole lot of free everything to make life carefree and stress free but with a tax rate of 50% - wow!

The Danes are mostly secularists, atheists or agnostics as far as religion is concerned. Historically, Denmark belonged to the Lutheran camp.

Denmark, being a largely secularist country, may explain why they don’t get too crazy about religious issues, any religious issues and can’t understand why people would, especially the Islamic fanatics.

Muslim nations are condemning the re-publication of the Mohammad cartoon and vowing to destroy Danish embassies and kill all Danes they meet as well as boycott Danish products; the same shit they did when the original cartoons were published.

Europe and the United States need to loudly and openly condemn the actions of Muslims against Danes and once again declare freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental principle that will never be denied or subverted no matter what objections Muslim countries have.

Europe and the U.S. should also loudly and firmly state that Muslims immigrating into Western countries need to abide by the rules and customs of those countries or be denied entrance or even deported.

Danes, the happiest of people and obviously also kind for letting immigrants into their little country to partake of their bounty and good life, need to seriously think about what it will take to maintain their good life. They may need to tone down their generosity and kick the bastards that don’t want to partake of the good life, the hell out of their country.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I don’t know if you have heard of the rioting going on in Denmark. Denmark? Yes, in Denmark, another European country that has allowed Muslim immigrants to settle inside its borders.

Denmark is also the country where the “Mohammad Cartoons” were first published; there was rioting then also. The point of the original cartoons was to depict the fact that some Muslims are committing terrorist acts in the name of Islam and its prophet Muhammad.

The recent rioting by Muslim immigrant youth came after Danish police arrested three men who were plotting to kill one of the cartoon’s creators (Kurt Westergaard).

In reporting the story, 17 Danish newspapers re-published Mr. Westergaard’s cartoon (seen above) stating that they understand that the cartoon may be offensive to some but the truth can be very offensive.

The rioting and killings after the cartoons were published for the first time really infuriated me and these latest occurrences are just adding fuel to my fire and I hope to many people’s fires.

At the Museum of Modern Art in New York, one exhibit featured a crucifix in a glass of urine. It repulsed me at first but then I started thinking about the message the artist was trying to send, I grew to appreciate the power of his artistic endeavor. One senator was so infuriated at the exhibit that he wanted to terminate any federal funds the museum was receiving. Cooler heads prevailed and life went on.

Some Muslims on the other hand feel that they must avenge any slights to their religion or to their Prophet as if Allah and Mohammed were incapable of defending themselves; what kind of impotent divinities are they!

What is worst then the actions of a few fanatical religious zealots is the fact that institutions, organizations and even governments are restricting freedom of expression when it comes to religions.

All Street Journal article by Flemming Rose (2-15-2008) reports that the United nations adopted a resolution against “defamation of religion” calling on governments around the world to clamp down on cartoonists, writers, journalists, artists and dissidents who say negative things about religion – can you believe this shit?

Just recently, the head of the Anglican Church in the UK mentioned that the Islamic law called “Sharia” should somehow be incorporated into UK’s legal system; I think he needs to have his head examined!

Muslims can make a good life in other countries and still maintain their unique traditions like the Poles, Italians, Germans, etc. did when they first emigrated to the U.S. and started new lives BUT they adopted the language, laws, principles and customs of their adoptive country and not visa versa.

Denmark needs to crack some heads and show that riots will not be tolerated for any reason and start expelling some of these Muslim nut cases that refuse to adapt. And let me make this perfectly clear, they are not being forced to adapt to a Western system; they decided on their own to move to the West trying to escape the turmoil and squalor in their native Muslim countries – now they want to turn the West into the shit hole they just left?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Romney the two-faced twit!

I am ticked off that I cannot write my blogs more often; too much at work and too much at home. At least I will be in BARBADOS at the end of February.

I have a few comments on the current political scene.

Did you see and hear Mitt Romney at the Conservative Convention in Washington, DC? It was very apparent why he had to bow out of the race; he flipped flopped himself into the biggest conservative asshole possible. He was either trying to become McCain’s vice president or position himself for a 2012 run.

McCain is having trouble with the extreme, caveman conservatives and may need some one from that sector of the population to make him more palatable, but Romney – NEVER.

I think everyone in the country saw through Romney’s two-faced act; you could feel he was lying through his teeth. I know politicians have to play to the choir all over the country but does he think the majority of American voters are THAT conservative. He is making the same mistake McCain originally did when he went after the religious right because he felt they actually controlled the election (ala’ Bush) – well he learned the hard way.

Romney endorsed McCain today – big deal – who else is left; Huckabee?

McCain has to stick to his guns and remain a maverick middle of the roader. That is the only way he can attract regular Americans to his camp. If he ventures into the extreme right; he is done. He may be done anyway since I really think no thinking American would want another Republican in the White House for a few years at least.

I do think though that McCain will have a chance against Obama if the Democrats start their left wing socialism shit dance. More on that later – have to run!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


My last two blogs praised the “Awakening” of the Christian Right Evangelicals to the reality of life on this earth which showed promise of compromise with even certain liberals and moderates but after viewing “Super Tuesday” primary election results; I am not so optimistic about a united nation or even a semi-united one.

Huckabee, who is a joke as a serious presidential candidate, running as a socialist Republican Baptist minister with “values”, did win the so called hard evangelical vote in places like Alabama and similar bastions of the dark forces of the Religious Right. These people did not vote for a “viable” candidate that could run this country; they voted blindly for one of their own and if he is not a candidate in November; they will just sit home and bitch.

The black vote representing a minority of 12 % of the total population went overwhelmingly to Barack Obama. The fact that it was an overwhelming vote (no dissention), means that they voted for skin color and nothing else, at least it seems that way to me. Again, it is not what is good for the country; it is a perceived good for me and my people.

The Latino vote went overwhelmingly to Clinton. The minority group that is 13-14 % of the American population wants their own champion and since Barack is already committed to the blacks, he will just ignore the Latinos, so Hillary is the new Latino champion.

McCain is getting the moderates in the Republican Party and Romney is getting the conservatives although it appears Romney is on his last legs having to compete even with goofy Huckabee.

Because McCain needs the conservatives to win, the scuttlebutt is that he may get Huckabee as his VP getting both the moderate and conservative Republicans, after all at 71 he can die in office and then ole’ Huckabee gets to play president – can’t wait!

Obama at least is calling himself a unifier; a candidate for all Americans, but Bush said the same thing and you see how much he unified the nation.

Maybe the candidates first have to win the nomination so they go after specific sectors of our population and then, maybe after they win the nomination, they will turn to unifying the country behind them – we will see.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

New Evangelicals are not socialists!

While I am talking about Christian Evangelicals, another article appeared from the Christian capital of Michigan, Grand Rapids, titled “Why values voters are not leading Huckabee to victory”.

They talk about the “Evangelical Left” and leaders like the previously mentioned author Jim Wallis and someone I have started hearing about, Tony Campolo who tend to preach a social gospel of “compassion”.

The thing Huckabee is confusing is social liberalism with socialism as in economic matters.

Yes, the evangelical left is concerned about poverty but they do not want to solve poverty by instituting socialism which Huckabee seems to be drifting in the direction of.

Yes, I am liking this change in Evangelical Christianity; they are trying to find a new way which means they are abandoning the “old” way of ultra conservatism and trying to put a more human face on their movement, a kinder more caring image and not the old “rot in hell you bastards” image – a breath of fresh air!

Christian Evangelicals are changing?

Waiting here for the results of the Super Tuesday elections, I want to share with you some articles I have read about the changing face of the “Religious Right”, politically and otherwise.

To me the Religious Right is a large group of Evangelical Christians that follow people like Pat Robertson / Jerry Falwell, believe in every word of the Bible and are responsible for electing George Bush and therefore are to blame for all the damage he has caused this nation and for that will burn in hell for eternity – but I am letting my emotions get the better of me.

An article in the New York Times by Nicholas Kristof entitled “Evangelicals a Liberal Can Love” talks about a shift in the American Evangelical Movement. The article goes on to say that we, social liberals, are not really tolerant of other people’s beliefs because we think it is OK to mock and deride Christian Evangelicals; I agree!

These people cared more for sperm cells and eggs (ova) than for actually living people. They denied aid to African countries because they taught family planning and distributed condoms. They considered AIDS as God’s punishment against sexual sinners.

Now I am hearing that these same evangelicals or maybe their kids are not just anti-abortion but are pro-life as in trying to help a living being and not only an embryo. They actually give a shit about people in poverty, people that are sick, people that are mistreated – imagine that!

Instead of just trying to convert people to their brand of Christianity, they are actually trying to help these people increase their quality of life and not asking or demanding something in return for their generosity – wow – who are these people?

It appears that these so called Christians have now discovered the lessons that their leader Jesus was trying to teach them all along; love thy neighbor! He was not trying to start a new religion; he was trying to fix, as best he could, what he found in his own community. What would Jesus do; well he would help his fellow man!

If this is truly the new face of religious conservatism than I applaud it and say, it’s about time you came to your senses, I will always disagree with your beliefs but I will respect you for at least practicing the dictates of your religion for the betterment of mankind.

The article mentions authors like Jim Wallis, “The Great Awakening” and author / pastors like the Rev. Rick Warren of “The Purpose Driven Life” as part of this new Evangelicalism – more power to them!

Monday, February 04, 2008

We have no party to represent us!

I need to talk a little more about the presidential campaign.

I have been listening to people around me and what they feel about the candidates that are left running. For all intents and purposes, John McCain looks like he will be the Republican nominee. On the Democratic side it will be Obama or Clinton or both.

Right now what I am hearing is general opinions about the political parties and the candidates. Let me tell you what I mean. The people I hand around with are usually pretty liberal when it comes to social issues, not all of them but a majority. That means they are not Evangelical Christians, they are live and let live type people.

They do have a concern about the economy and are what I call, fiscal conservatives. I guess I could say they are not flaming socialists or Communists; they care about their money and how they got it and they do not want someone to give it away or squander it unnecessarily. They are what we usually think of as Republicans (not under Bush) when it comes to money.

I have always maintained that we need a third party, one that represents us or the people that are social liberals but fiscal conservatives. Libertarians come close but no cigar – so what we as a group do in this election.

A number of people have told me that Obama and Clinton sound like populists, poor against the rich, us against them, advocating Robin Hood tactics: let’s take it from the rich bastards and spread it among the poor – pure Communism and where did Communism end up?

Yes there are a lot more poor voters and that is why it’s called “populism” but do these poor know that without the rich they would not have a job? Plus, who are they calling the rich, those that make over $50,000? How about a family of five (5) making $100,000; should we penalize them by raising their taxes to help pay for democratic programs for the poor.

And how about the Democratic programs for the poor, are they not basically welfare programs? I’m sorry but that is not the way to run the country and that is why the middle class is plain scared of the Democrat’s socialism.

On the other hand can we risk allowing a Republican to pick the next three (3) Supreme Court justices? Do we trust a Republican to end the war in Iraq and win the war in Afghanistan?

These are hard choices because we really don’t have a candidate or political party to represent our vision; we have to pick from the least offensive or who will do the least damage to the country and to us.

One question to ask is how much of what the candidates are saying they are saying just to get votes and they don’t really mean it? Wow – this is going to be difficult.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

More on KWAME!

Let’s get back to Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick because there is more here than meets the eye.

He made a speech to the people of Detroit in an empty church, holding hands with his wife. He apologize profusely but did not say what he was apologizing for and his wife told us that she was angry at his indiscretions but she really loved him and would stick by him like Hillary stuck with Bill.

The media went crazy interviewing Detroiters as to how they felt about that lying sack of shit they called their mayor. Yes, he should resign and pay the city back what he had basically stolen. Baptist pastors said he should be forgiven and business leaders said get over it, he is good for the city and there is no one else, so we are stuck with him.

At the office cooler, the suburbanites said that Detroiters deserve Kwame because they keep electing crooks and assholes. OK?

Kwame appoints his grade school and high school buddies, his family and friends and does not care if they know what the hell they are doing. They are loyal to him and that is all that matters to him. Detroiters are used to a dysfunctional city where nothing works and huge amounts of money keep disappearing – now you know why.

I was struck with the alacrity that Kwame broke moral, ethical and legal rules; he was king and in his kingdom he is permitted to do everything and anything he desires; just like in every child’s imagination. It was as if he was spitting in the face of his community, knowing the community would accept this and move on – and he is correct.

Yes, part of the black community is livid at the mayor’s actions and the other, it appears, thinks his behavior is somehow appropriate and “cool” and something they would also do if given the chance, just like Jesse Jackson and the other so called black leaders I mentioned in my previous blog – is this a cultural thing?

Is this a way of getting back at the community for all the years of racist oppression even if the community is now composed of your own people? Or is this just copying or following what the first black mayor of Detroit, Coleman Young, established as the way to be Mayor of Detroit for life and have a grand time doing it?

The Mayor of Detroit: Leader of the community?

Well by now you probably heard all about our illustrious Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick and what an absolute scoundrel he is.

The story here is not about what he did because many public officials have lied, even under oath, used public funds for personal fun and frolic expenses, cheated on his wife (constantly) and in some cases, ruined or damaged the lives of people who entered into their sphere of influence.

No the story is deeper than that and unfortunately produced and will continue to produce an ever widening stain encompassing a city, a people, a generation and maybe an entire state.

Kwame was the great black hope for a city without hope. He was young, talented and smart with a political family name and pedigree. He achieved political success quickly but unfortunately without first growing up; he became stuck in a very large body but with a mind of a sophomore in high school.

He looked the part of a great black role model with a beautiful wife, three sons, a mansion and power – perfect. I know his mother, U.S. Rep. Kilpatrick, thought maybe he could run for my “safe” seat in Congress, then the Senate and then, just maybe, the presidency! That dream has been put to rest; he will be mayor of Detroit for life – not totally bad I think?

Even though we all know that many men of power and position have behaved like Kwame and many probably much worst but I find it doubly unfortunate that Kwame is black and from Detroit because blacks in Detroit really could have used a good guy mayor that would give them something to be proud of but…

The media is comparing his behavior to Bill Clinton and JFK but I am going to compare it to the so called black leaders of the black community who preach about taking responsibility for your own actions and leading by example.

I am talking about what is agreed as the plagues of the black community, mainly babies born out of wedlock and the lack of black family units (father, mother & siblings) and of course drugs.

Bill Cosby, Jessie Jackson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Coleman Young (former Detroit mayor) and now I found out even Dennis Archer, the former mayor and judge, all had affairs and/or produced children outside their marriage.



Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...