Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Pregnancy in the 26th week.Image via Wikipedia

I have been talking about the totally imbecilic campaign by Republicans to de-fund PLANNED PARENTHOOD, the main organization that helps women from getting pregnant with unwanted children.

I said imbecilic because as we know, the Republican’s main focus right now is cutting spending / costs to bring down our staggering deficit and by de-funding Planned Parenthood especially with regards to Medicaid patients, they are dramatically increasing the likelihood of many more poor women having unwanted pregnancies.

The resultant children of these unwanted pregnancies will most likely become lifetime recipients of our tax dollars, one way or another…so how are you cutting costs by de-funding Planned Parenthood?

Anyway, this morning I read that those same Republicans want to cut WIC (Women, Infants & Children) food benefits that help feed those poor women and their offspring.

So let me get this straight, you are promoting unwanted pregnancies by poor women on the one hand and when they have these children, you are refusing to feed them?

I am sorry but I just don’t get it…
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

GAY MARRIAGE: Passed in New York...

Seal of New York.Image via Wikipedia

I have just heard that New York has passed legislation legalizing GAY MARRIAGE.

This was a hard fought battle. The legislation was proposed by Governor Andrew Cuomo (Catholic & Democrat) and passed by a Republican controlled legislature…go figure.

I have often stated that in Europe and elsewhere, all marriages are legal civil unions and have to be performed by the state. Religious marriage ceremonies are NOT legally binding but are performed for people who want to add a religious dimension to their marriage.

If the U.S. would follow this method, there would be no controversy; just take away the legal power of churches to marry and require only courts to issue legal civil union certificates…problem solved.

But we as a nation can’t seem to take the easy and fair road; we have to complicate things and it all hinges on the definition of the word “marriage”…how silly.

Anyway, the law has provisions that allow churches that are against gay marriage, not to perform those marriages…how simple is that? Well, nothing is obviously simple about this issue so expect much drama implementing this new law.

Before the law was passed, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times had a great article (June 19) titled: THE ARCHBISHOP VS. THE GOVERNOR: Gay Sera, Sera with a great subtitle: “Starchbishop Dolan speaks now and never holds his peace.”

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York took it upon himself to stop the gay marriage bill…and obviously, he failed in the long run.

Maureen Dowd had some great insights into the issue that I just MUST share.

She said that Archbishop Dolan had called gay marriage a perversity against nature but says nothing about the true perversity against nature of the priestly sex molestation scandal.

She mentions that Dolan that marriage between a man and a woman is “hard-wired” by God and nature but how does he know that homosexuality is NOT hard-wired by God and nature and is NOT a lifestyle choice.

This is my argument from the start that homosexuals are “born” that way and don’t decide to “become” homosexuals and science will bear this out. And if they are “born” homosexual than God and nature created them that way…so there!

She talked about the meeting of American catholic Bishops in Seattle (Dolan is head) and I have blogged about that recently. She ridiculed a study commissioned by the bishops, that blamed the permissive secular society as a cause for the priestly sex scandal (free love 1960s) instead of celibacy rules that attracted homosexuals to the priesthood…how absurd.

Also at the meeting, a retired bishop from Anchorage, Alaska proposed that some priests guilty of sex crimes could return to parish duty…the motion failed but to even suggest such a motion is the height of absurdity and shows you how these bishop morons think.

She ended the article by saying that in light of the WEINER scandal, maybe politicians should be celibate and priests should be married…nice.

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VACATION NOTES: Up in Beaverton, MI...

On our way to Charlevoix, MI, we stopped in to visit my brother-in-law and his wife who live in BEAVERTON, MI which is close to MIDLAND, MI.

He spent 40 years at Fords and decided to retire somewhere totally different from an assembly line and even a suburb and why not!

He has a few acres tucked away but near the little town of Beaverton. The greenery is overwhelming, the tranquility is overwhelming and he keeps it so well manicured you think you are in some botanical garden.

Winters are brutal which makes the coming of spring so breathtaking!

DETROIT: Maybe Bing bit off more than he can chew...

DETROIT - MAY 11:  Former Detroit Pistons' sta...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

As you know, I have always supported Detroit Mayor Dave Bing as the man that can turn the city around.

Just lately, I have been having my doubts about his capabilities especially his leadership capabilities in light of the dismal performance of his staff; his chief of staff resigned and his communications director resigned once the local papers reported that a former employee was suing the city for improper dismissal and mentioned the fact that the mayor was not really in charge but his communications director; Michele Dumas… among many other controversies.

I am disappointed that Bing surrounded himself with former employees of the previous mayor who happened to be corrupt as hell, who in essence, were just propagating the culture of incompetence and corruption that have mired the city for decades; not a good sign.

He is still looking in all the wrong places for new staff. The local papers made some suggestions but it appears that non-blacks are unwelcome to come help the city; a white U of M graduate student doing volunteer work for the city said as much in a letter to the editor.

That is unfortunate since for the city to be revitalized, new blood must be enticed to settle in the city and much of the new blood coming to places like the Mid-Town area is non-black.

I feel bad for the mayor because a successful CEO has a successful staff and he cannot be successful without one and it seems he is just incapable of even finding a good, smart chief of staff who would then help him hire good, smart, productive staff to fill the other positions.

Bing has even asked President Obama to help him and Obama is sending federal help in the form of teams of officials from different federal agencies that will do what Detroit City employees are incapable of doing? How pitiful is that? It seems Detroit wastes countless millions of federal grant money because of incompetence and corruption.

Gary Brown of the City Council, a former police officer and executive that sued the former Mayor for improper dismissal which led to that whole “sexting” scandal that toppled the mayor and his administration, seems like a person that needs to run for mayor. He is not afraid to speak out, has enough of his own money so he is not beholden to anyone and has the drive and energy of a younger man.

The fact that city council members will have to be elected from a specific ward of the city means that they will, for the first time, represent a specific area of the city. Historically, council members always ran as at-large members which means they did not represent any specific area or population. I think that will make a huge difference in city government and bring in that fresh blood the city so desperately needs.

Maybe Dave Bing bit off more than he can chew…maybe he will find that person that can help him do what needs to be done…I hope so.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

MICHIGAN TENURE REFORM LAW: We must be able to fire bad teachers...

House Chamber, Michigan State CapitolImage via Wikipedia

The Michigan House of Representatives passed a TENURE REFORM BILL whereby any teacher (even a tenured teacher) will get dismissed upon receiving three (3) CONSECUTIVE poor performance evaluations.

Please note that teachers will be warned ahead of the dismissal dateline and will be given help to help improve their skills. Basically the law says that three (3) bad years in a row means you will be fired.

The problem is in the Michigan Senate where the Republican majority is being pressured by teacher unions to gut the bill. If these senators don’t get any balls fast, the whole reason we sent them to the senate will be gutted and irrelevant; politics as usual so no change…status quo…bad teachers cannot be fired.

Since I have teachers in my family, I will throw in a “what if” and there are always those…

What if the person doing your evaluation (principal?) does not like you and no matter what you do, always gives you a bad review. I guess this can happen in any profession.

You would think that there are some concrete criteria that are used in evaluating teachers and those criteria can be reviewed by an independent board and I don’t know if that type of review process is available to individual teachers.

The law may not be perfect but doing nothing is not an option; there must be a mechanism to fire bad teachers because they are harming our children and right now there is no mechanism to fire bad teachers easily and not tenured teachers at all…something needs to be done…the system does not work.

I will send by republican State Senator a note to get some balls or no re-election…

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PRO-CHOICE: The law of the land is being violated...

Indiana Governor Mitchell Daniels delivers his...Image via Wikipedia

We have been supporting PLANNED PARENTHOOD for many years. We believe in their mission and we think they are a very positive contributor to the welfare of many Americans.

Unfortunately, Republicans have blinders on and can only associate Planned Parenthood with abortion and therefore a target for destruction. This is total ignorance of what the organization does but Republicans don’t care; its all about pro-life and fetus worship.

In Indiana, a law was passed blocking all MEDICAID payments to Planned Parenthood.

MEDICAID people are low-income people. Many are black and these people (women) rely on Planned Parenthood to provide birth-control pills, breast exams, Pap smears and other medical service and of course, abortion procedures are also provided but abortion services are a small part of what the organization provides.

I have lauded Republican Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels for his wise shepherding of Indiana’s economy. I totally agree with his fiscal philosophy but the problem with Republicans is that they are fiscally responsible but when it comes to social issues they are plain STUPID and BACKWARD and REGRESSIVE and that is why I am always looking for a party that takes the best from the Republican side (fiscal policy) and the best from the Democrats (progressive social agenda) but no such party exists unless you consider LIBERTARIANS but they don’t have a chance in national politics.

I will point out that Rand Paul and his father Ron Paul are Republicans and Libertarians but obviously they are a tiny minority in the Republican Party.

Now follow this logic…Medicaid patients are poor. Planned Parenthood counsel poor women about how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and provides birth-control pills as well as many other female related medical procedures.

If they are barred from providing these services (including abortion procedures), these women may well get seriously sick (ex. Uterine cancer) and /or have unwanted babies.

Once seriously sick the state has to pick up their health tab for treating this now serious illness which will be substantial or the state will pay for the unwanted babies for the life of those babies who will statistically end up on welfare or in prison. This does not sound like a smart fiscal policy; in fact, it is down right irresponsible to be playing with taxpayer’s money in this way.

But obviously this is not a fiscal issue for these Republicans who are otherwise so very smart in their handling of the state’s economy.

Ironically, they are willing to make downright stupid and damaging fiscal decisions when it comes to social issues like abortion and this is what drives me up a wall.

Nobody is pro-abortion but denying these poor women access to “planned” parenthood services you are not only hurting those women but you are putting the welfare of unwanted babies in jeopardy, who will statistically go through much suffering as unwanted babies.

I realize that anti-choice is a religious issue as well and for some reason, THESE people THINK that God wants to hurt women and unwanted babies just to prevent an abortion knowing full well that Planned Parenthood actual works to prevent abortions.

People tell me it is not possible to discuss this issue in a logical manner since logic plays no role here. It is pure emotionalism and religious superstition; so leave it alone, but I cannot…

I think since the Supreme Court made abortion legal, no politician, no state can make laws against that law which is also a RIGHT and if we cannot show the rationale behind our views, we must fight them in the courts…

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

UNIONS: Our economic future is at stake here...they cannot succeed...

Thad McCotterImage via Wikipedia


1.                    Trade agreements remain unsigned because the unions want money before they allow Obama to sign the very economically valuable trade pacts.

2.                   Federal contracts can only go to unionized companies. This squeaker past by one vote and it was that of Thaddeus McCotter, my Republican representative (Livonia) who was the only Republican to vote with the Democrats on this one; because he is scared of the unions in our district? He has lost my vote; I will vote Libertarian whoever that may be.

3.                   The Michigan EMERGENCY MANAGER LAW is now being challenged because it allows the manager to unseat elected officials and rip up union contracts.

Guess who is challenging that law on the grounds that it violates our constitutional right to elect who we want to and therefore they should not be thrown out of office by a manager but only by voters… unions! The unions don’t give a shit about who the manager throws out of office; they just don’t want him to rip up their union contracts which should never, obviously, have been signed in the first damn place.

An emergency manager comes in when all hope is lost and the hope is lost because the elected officials are incompetent, corrupt or both and the unions are bleeding the taxpayers dry.

The taxpayers deserve somebody that will look out for their future and that is the emergency manager’s job; to pick up what has fallen and set things back on the road to recovery.

I have seen people collecting signatures to repeal the law and/or recall individuals that voted for the law; I dare them to ask me…
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UNIONS: Obama may have lost my vote on this one...

Official photo of United States Ambassador to ...Image via Wikipedia

The unions, under OBAMA are trying everything in the book to gain leverage in unionizing companies that do not want to be unionized.

Right now, the national Labor Relations Board is proposing changing the federal laws governing union elections. You remember they did not pass the “Employees Free Choice Act” which took away the right of employees to secretly vote for or against unionization; some free choice.

Now they want the Obama administration to create union-friendly rules circumnavigating the congressional process; no votes required.

Some of the changes require employers to give the union organizers all employee addresses and email addresses. They shorten the time between workers agreeing to an election and the actual election to a matter of days giving the employers no time to respond to the unionization process.

OBAMA is pushing unionization down the country’s throat knowing full well that it is the wrong thing to do for our struggling economy; this is exactly what prolonged the Great Depression in the 1930s.

The fact that OBAMA is unabashedly allowing unions to bend the political process and make its own rules, to me, means he does not care about what Americans and America needs and wants; its all about his re-election and union money to gain re-election. This is unacceptable behavior since he is the president of all Americans and not only of the 6% that are union members.

To me this could be a deal-breaker and he may have already lost my vote. If Jon Huntsman is selected to run, he has my vote.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Debate between Catholics and Oriental Christia...Image via Wikipedia

There were so many letters about the AMWERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL Meeting that I have to break up the blogs so there not too long. In fact, I think I have blogged about this one event more than any other topic or issue…cause’ I like the issue?

One letter writer, Gerald Patrick Maloney of Southfield (good Irish Catholic) echoed what I was saying about Archbishop Allen Vigneron, who threatened to defrock priests who attended the meeting mass but allows a priest arrested and convicted on sexual charges to minister at mass in local parishes.

Mr. Maloney quotes Mathew 23:24: “You blind guides. You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.” And I hope we can all see the absurdity that is Archbishop Vigneron.

Amy Wieleba of Novi, defended the mass at the meeting against claims of “serious liturgical abuses” saying that a layperson gave a “Gospel reflection” and not a “homily” which can only be given by a priest…OK?

Carol Lemelin of St. Clair Shores took the Free Press to task for missing the point of the meeting and just reporting on the controversies. She said that they should have been concentrating on the Catholic Church trying to reverse Vatican II and going backwards where no one wants to go. That was a valid point that I have stressed many times but the Free Press needs to sell papers so they will always concentrate on what readers want: juicy controversy?

The two sides were very distinct; no grey areas…your’ either with us or against us.

In the history of Christianity, there were hundreds if not thousands of dissenting views of what was true and what was not; orthodoxy or heresy. Obviously, ideas branded heresy were the ideas that lost the battle and orthodoxy (truisms?) obviously the ideas that won so it is not a battle between what is right or wrong, or what is historically true or false or even doctrinally true or false; it is which side has the power to remain standing in the end.

To ask the Church for a dialogue is pointless unless you have power and clout and you will have neither if the majority of Catholics keep believing that their leaders are divinely ordained even though some of them are really, really bad human beings.

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AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL: More letters to talk about...

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...Image via Wikipedia

While vacationing in Charlevoix, I did keep up with the news as much as I could (no internet).

I was pleased to see a lot more letters to the editor about the American Catholic Council meeting held last week.

The letters section was titled: CATHOLICS SEEK DIALOGUE, NOT DIVISION which is nice but not realistic since the Church seeks no dialogue, just obedience; dictatorship remember?

And predictably, one letter was titles: NOT A DEMOCRACY which hits the nail on the head! The writer, Eleanor Burley of Sterling Heights reminded us all that if we don’t like it we know what we can do…

She also said that the Church will go on till the end of time “regardless of persecution and faithless members” which is a point many bring up.

She did make a technical error when she said that many ministers from other Christian religions are converting to Catholicism since the Catholic Church is recognized as the Church Jesus founded 2,000 years ago.

Well I do know of Anglican priests being courted by the Catholics to come over to their side as priests but the founding of the Catholic Church by Jesus, well that just isn’t true BUT you can always believe it is true?

Jesus remained a Jew till the very end. His followers (apostles, disciples, etc.) remained practicing Jews as they awaited Jesus’ return…no one founded anything especially a Christian Church…that was never the intent; Jesus only wished to reform Judaism itself not start a new religion.

The Catholic Church hangs its hat on St. Peter and the Gospels but history shows that Peter was not in charge of the group that followed Jesus but JAMES, the brother of Jesus who was eventually killed by some disgruntled Jews. Actually James was quite respected in the community and we have actual secular evidence (Josephus) about James whereas we have no secular evidence of Jesus (non-Gospel)…how strange is that…well, maybe one phrase.

The myth that begun 2,000 years ago and perpetuated through the centuries is still with us and will remain with us because people are happy with their myth and see no reason to allow truth to spoil their happiness.

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While we were in our condo in Charlevoix, MI we received a photo of him enjoying a SHRIMP PO-BOY sandwich in New Orleans.

We took him to New Orleans when he was a teen and snuck him into a couple of music joints on Bourbon Street and of course introduced him to the fantastic eats in New Orleans.

He now is in New Orleans on business (how time does fly) but still remembering that good ole’ time from before; I am glad the kids remember some of the things we did together as a family…

Zak will soon be coming to Detroit from New York City with his wife Kimberly to visit…


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Just got back from our condo in Charlevoix, MI; have not been there since fall. Charlevoix is a great little town and it was great to visit our favorite spots. The weather, overall, was good but it is still cooler there than down here; not really swimming weather yet.

We heard that a great new POLISH restaurant opened up in Harbor Springs…will have to try it on our next trip.

Charlevoix was really hopping with families; looks like the economy might be coming back, in Charlevoix at least…

Did some shopping in Traverse City...great downtown area...fun shops...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

DETROIT: Is Mayor Bing the one to save the city?

Last time I blogged about Detroit’s Mayor Dave Bing, I expressed a diminishing faith in his abilities in leading Detroit out of its age old culture of corruption and incompetence. I firmly believe in the honesty of his intent to help the city and its residents but I questioned his ability as a mayor / CEO.

What made me question his abilities but not his resolve was the fact the local newspapers kept coming up with examples of ongoing gross corruption and incompetence and he was always surprised and shocked which to me means he is unaware and not in control of his departments and what they do…not good.

I have stated that a good CEO always surrounds himself with good, responsible administrators that make his job easier but the fact that he has a huge turnover rate in his appointed officials raises a red flag and at the conference in Mackinaw Island, he complained that no one is helping him?

This morning’s newspaper editions carried huge, front page stories detailing a lawsuit filed by a former executive employee of his (Rochelle Collins) stating that he (Bing) is not in charge but a stooge of his communications director Karen Dumas.

Karen Dumas runs the city, runs the mayor and is causing the turnover among his staff by being a total bitch; Dumas is not even the chief of staff (Shannon Holmes is), she is just the communications director.

There are many allegations and if proven true than Mayor Bing’s credibility is shot and in my mind, he will not be able to run the city affectively; he has to command complete confidence in his abilities if he wants people to listen to his leadership.

I cannot pre-judge because the evidence is not in BUT the rumor mill will be working overtime and every step he takes, from here on in, will be closely scrutinized.

I hate for this to be happening because I really thought of Bing as a savior of the city and he may still be BUT he did not need all this bullshit to happen but like I said, the pervasive culture in Detroit just may be impossible to clean out without a state takeover through an emergency manager from OUTSIDE the city.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL: Grave liturgical abuses vs sexual predator priests...which one worst?

An Anglican priest wearing a white girdle arou...Image via Wikipedia

The other part to the mass said at the AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL meeting in Detroit, is the “serous liturgical abuses” that occurred at the unsanctioned Catholic mass attended by members of the council.

The priest that presided over the mass was a retired gent (78) by the name of the Reverend Robert Wurm who has been now labeled a lifelong REBEL? Anyway, I want to add that over 50 (THAT’S FIFTY) local priests attended this meeting and mass; now that is saying something!!!

So what are these “serious liturgical abuses”; sounds like something downright terrible. Well I guess there are strict rules that have to be followed when saying a mass which I am sure the Reverend Wurm (78) knew about since he has done this for over 50 years.

One rule is that clergy and lay people are treated as distinct groups. OK, that makes sense; I can always tell who the priest is and who are the “people” but I guess at this mass, the attendees were given red stoles to drape over their necks; the stoles said “Come Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love”.

One expert said that only priests or deacons can wear stole and that this resulted in a “conflation of roles” where everybody looked like a priest? I guess this was intentional for symbolic affect; the message is that “everyone” represents the Church, not just the leaders.

Another possible “abuse” was that a layperson (co-organizer) of the meeting gave the HOMILY and that is a definite NO-NO.

Father Wurm says he did everything by the book but after all, he is a “rebel priest” but should he be “defrocked” while the convicted sexual offender priest is allowed to say mass as if nothing has happened?

This is where you have to ask yourself if this absurdity can be allowed to continue or do Catholics have a duty as humans and members of the human race to stand up and say something?

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AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL: Vigneron not fit to be archbishop...

And example of two priests wearing clerical cl...Image via Wikipedia
Both local papers continued to follow the potential controversy following the mass at the AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL meeting in Detroit.

I found it very interesting that the newspaper decided to include, as a separate news item, but obviously meant as part of the “story” titled “Gibraltar (Michigan) priest in exposure case still working”. I feel they did this to bring attention to the fact (as I have done) that the archbishop is so concerned about whether the mass was “legal” instead of watching his diocese and making sure priest molesters or just plain priest perverts are still not preying on innocent children.

The archbishop was so eager to “defrock” priests that did not obey him but here, he is allowing a pervert priest to continue to be a priest and minister to Catholics. I hope people find this hugely ironic. The Church is more worried about challenges to their authority than protecting their flock from priest predators.

The priest in question was the Reverend Roger Knapp of St. Victor Catholic Church in Gibraltar, MI who was arrested for exposing himself to a waitress and was given probation and fined in march 2009 BUT he has not been defrocked and helps out in a number of parishes providing mass coverage; this according to the office of the archbishop.

Now let me see if you really get the gravity of the situation. Here is a priest with an obviously verifiable, sexual problem of a criminal nature that has a public criminal record so Archbishop Vigneron had to know about it and here the good archbishop is allowing him to minister to Catholics including children? What kind of fucking moron in a position of such responsibility allows that to happen?

Obviously the archbishop has his priorities screwed up and would rather defrock a retired priest for saying mass than a pervert priest who is a danger to children and others. I am afraid that Archbishop Vigneron is only a microcosm of what kind of people fill the upper echelons of the Catholic Church including the Vatican.

The article continues talking about the Reverend Bernard Chojnacki, formerly of the Metro Detroit area, arrested on charges of exposing himself to an undercover officer in Florida. I wonder what he did while a priest in this area; does anyone know? I bet Archbishop Vigneron knows but just swept it under the rug as per Church policy.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL: End with a Sunday Mass... controversy?

If a deacon participates, he reads the Gospel....Image via Wikipedia

Well the AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL ended its meeting in Detroit Sunday with a Catholic Mass.

The Archbishop of Detroit, Allen Vigneron, warned clergy that participation in this mass could lead to punishment and even defrocking…feels like we are in feudal times; back in the Dark Ages…

The Reverend Bob Wurm (78 and retired) presided over the mass Sunday which was attended by dozens of priests from the Detroit Metropolitan area…in defiance of the good archbishop?

After the mass, the spokesman for the archbishop said that significant liturgical abuses at the mass will be formally investigated by the archbishop; a “careful and thorough” review of the service. He hinted that the Vatican may also get involved.

I again want to point out that the Church was not so concerned with the molestation of thousands of innocent children and did not warn or punish any of the criminal priests engaged in the sexual molestation but have a mass without the archbishop’s blessing and all hell breaks lose…are you starting to see the true nature of Church leadership?

The priest presiding over the mass, Bob Wurm, didn’t seem to give a shit about the archbishop’s threats.

Protestors outside the mass carried signs, one read “Don’t Protest. Obey Jesus” and what the hell is that suppose to mean. The sign carrier said, these people are advocating for change and there hasn’t been any change for 2,000 years…spoken as a true moron of the Church.

As I have said, it’s somewhat heartening to see real Catholics with a brain try to push the Church in the right direction (human direction) but I am very pessimistic that anything can be accomplished.
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AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL: Day two and a competing meeting...

Christ Handing the Keys to St. Peter by Pietro...Image via Wikipedia

The local media continues to cover the AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL meeting in Detroit this weekend but it is also covering a quickly called a “counter” meeting (as in counter-reformation?). The meeting was called by Detroit’s Archbishop Allen Vigneron to be held at the Burton Manor in Livonia.

He was able to muster 600 loyal Catholics (was he serving beer) on Saturday; name of meeting “CALL TO HOLINESS”.

As I have noted before, all this Catholic activity boils down to one point: is the Catholic faith governed by a dictatorship or is there room for input from the laity. The Catholics meeting in Livonia (the sheep) say that the dictatorship of the Vatican is “divinely sanctioned” and they are right because that is the justification for the dictatorship; the pope is St. Peter’s successor.

I have argued that point on historical grounds but that is not the issue here, the Livonia Catholics state over and over again that loyalty to the Vatican makes one a Catholic and not to be blindly obedient to the Vatican makes one an anti-Catholic.

One has to point out that currently many Catholics are leaving the Church (1 in 3 people raised Catholics are abandoning the faith) but as I have pointed out on many occasions, the Vatican is welcoming the leaving of these ingrates and prefers a smaller but more unified core of Catholics.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

PAWLENTY: Being Polish is not enough for me...

Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty at the Govern...Image via Wikipedia

Let’s talk a little about politics since the GOP presidential field is starting to fill up a bit.

TIM PAWLENTY made me take a closer look not because he is Polish but he seemed like a straight shooter and I liked some of his economic ideas.

I will admit that he is a smart man and he is who he is which means that he is not changing himself to fit voter expectations, which is a good thing BUT his conservatism crossed the line for me where I could not, in good conscience, vote for him.

Being Polish, he grew up in a good, hard working Polish Catholic family. His wife came from a Christian college and converted him to Evangelicalism. Religion shouldn’t matter right; it’s a private thing right?

Well, Pawlenty as governor of Minnesota approved tough new restrictions on abortion in the state even though abortion is legal and has to be made available to women that seek it. Right there is a problem but not a total deal breaker.

Pawlenty allowed local school boards to teach intelligent design as an alternative to evolution and right there is the deal breaker. I don’t care how religious you are, if you stand in the way of science and replace it with junk science, then you are not fit to be someone that governs other people; you are not a serious adult and your intellectual makeup is in serious doubt…sorry…no vote for you.

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ECONOMY: Job creation crucial...

Ford assembly line, 1913.Image via Wikipedia

Staying with economic issues and especially the issue of job creation; Obama needs to grasp the issue of job creating quickly and do something about it quickly, if he is to remain in office after 2012.

Fareed Zakaria points out some interesting facts in the May 30th issue of TIME; our economy is recovering slowly but with fewer jobs hence high unemployment persists and will persist?

I know economic details to most people are boring and they would rather not get a headache thinking about them or trying to learn economic theory to figure out what is really going on BUT, like it or not, the economy will be the most important factor in our lives for some time to come. It will also play a huge role in politics.

In the past, economic recovery went hand in hand with low unemployment because as business recovered (demand increased) businesses needed more workers to satisfy that demand. Today, we are satisfying the demand with fewer workers; higher productivity with more automation, high technology, etc.

I have been saying that getting a job at Fords, getting paid a lot for doing a menial job with no education requirement, is gone; the good ole’ days are GONE because you can’t compete on a global level paying stupid wages.

BUT I believe that the old principal espoused by the first Henry Ford is still valid today: pay the workers a decent wage so they can buy the product(s) they make. In other words, employment is still the key to a successful economy because a working family has money to buy stuff (creates demand) and pay taxes (lowers deficit) and an unemployed family needs taxpayer handouts so it uses tax dollars instead of paying taxes (increases deficit).

Our economy crashed so fast and the economic landscape changed so fast that we are caught in kind of a bubble. We know what needs to be done for the future as far as employment is concerned: a smarter and better trained workforce, but what do we do with all the unskilled workers that are caught in the bubble, their jobs are in China and Vietnam and they are not coming back… even what to do with skilled laborers in industries like housing and construction where no demand exists.

Many workers who lost jobs have retrained themselves into other fields such as the medical field and I know of quite a few guys that have done that but what about those workers that cannot do that on their own. Some are suggesting a massive retraining program paid for by the government? Train them to do what?

I just returned from a vacation in Yellowstone National Park. We went in May to beat the summer crowds but you would not believe all the foreign tourists there; they were everywhere so I was surprised to learn that we have no U.S. Tourism Bureau, in fact we have lowered the budget of the National Park Service which has to close certain areas for lack of funds.

I actually talked to some rangers about the budgetary restraints and they could not believe themselves that the potential for tourism is not being exploited and actual retarded by our stupid government.

Tourists, especially foreign tourists, spend gobs of money so why are we hindering tourism by restricting them access to the U.S. I can understand safety concerns so deal with them and quit blocking a sure way to create American jobs.

I am not saying that we should not curtail our spending as a nation but I also think we can get creative at creating jobs and I think the people in Washington are too wrapped up in playing politics and not thinking how we can get out of this economic mess.

We are at a crucial point in our history where we absolutely need that good American know-how to get us back in the saddle again…start thinking people.

More ideas later…

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U.S. CATHOLIC BISHOP'S MEETING: Seattle next week...

Johann Otto von Gemmingen, Prince-Bishop of Au...Image via Wikipedia

Staying with Catholicism; American bishops are scheduled to meet in Seattle June 15-17.

One headline (Huffingtonpost.com) about the meeting stated “Catholic bishops to take a second look at abuse reforms” but added that no changes have been proposed so why even the second look if you already know nothing will be done.

The reason for a second look at the rules is that the rules are not being followed. Even worst, these rules carry no penalties for breaking them so they are, at the least, ineffective.

In Philadelphia, a grand jury reported that the Catholic Church there had 37 priests in active ministry that have been accused of improper sexual acts with minors. How effective do you think the rules were in Philadelphia?

In Kansas City, Bishop Robert Finn apologized for not removing a priest from ministry after he was arrested on child pornography charges…where were the rules?

In Gallup, New Mexico, Bishop James S. Wall in his two (2) years at the diocese has never met with the lay review board as directed by the rules…spit on the rules? Review boards in Kansas City and Philadelphia knew nothing about the abuses until they read about them in the paper.

The U.S. Church has spent over $2 BILLION on sex abuse settlements…wow! There have been over 1,500 victims since 1950…wow! And they don’t think they should approach this matter seriously?

The bishops have commissioned two (2) sweeping studies to explain the causes of the scandal…I could have told them for much less than they spent on those studies.

The 200 bishops meeting in Seattle will be under the direction of Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York who is a Pope Benedict clone which means he will try to minimize the worst crisis in modern Church history and get past it as soon as possible.

While in Seattle, the bishops are expected to denounce physician-assisted suicide which is law in Oregon and working just as expected with no problems at all. Here again, the Catholic bishops would rather deny a dying person’s right to a merciful end to their suffering but allowed priests to subject innocent children to horrendous suffering for decades…does that make sense?

The bishops will also discuss how to get more Anglican priests to come over to their side since the Anglicans no longer view homosexuality as a sin or problem and have allowed gays to join the clergy.

Yup, it appears that the American bishops are not going to rock the boat any time soon and that is disconcerting since in history, many very needed Church reforms came from within the Church, usually from lowly priests and bishops who are now saints…guess there are no future saints in this bunch.

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...