Image via Wikipedia
While vacationing in Charlevoix, I did keep up with the news as much as I could (no internet).
I was pleased to see a lot more letters to the editor about the American Catholic Council meeting held last week.
The letters section was titled: CATHOLICS SEEK DIALOGUE, NOT DIVISION which is nice but not realistic since the Church seeks no dialogue, just obedience; dictatorship remember?
And predictably, one letter was titles: NOT A DEMOCRACY which hits the nail on the head! The writer, Eleanor Burley of Sterling Heights reminded us all that if we don’t like it we know what we can do…
She also said that the Church will go on till the end of time “regardless of persecution and faithless members” which is a point many bring up.
She did make a technical error when she said that many ministers from other Christian religions are converting to Catholicism since the Catholic Church is recognized as the Church Jesus founded 2,000 years ago.
Well I do know of Anglican priests being courted by the Catholics to come over to their side as priests but the founding of the Catholic Church by Jesus, well that just isn’t true BUT you can always believe it is true?
Jesus remained a Jew till the very end. His followers (apostles, disciples, etc.) remained practicing Jews as they awaited Jesus’ return…no one founded anything especially a Christian Church…that was never the intent; Jesus only wished to reform Judaism itself not start a new religion.
The Catholic Church hangs its hat on St. Peter and the Gospels but history shows that Peter was not in charge of the group that followed Jesus but JAMES, the brother of Jesus who was eventually killed by some disgruntled Jews. Actually James was quite respected in the community and we have actual secular evidence (Josephus) about James whereas we have no secular evidence of Jesus (non-Gospel)…how strange is that…well, maybe one phrase.
The myth that begun 2,000 years ago and perpetuated through the centuries is still with us and will remain with us because people are happy with their myth and see no reason to allow truth to spoil their happiness.
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