Wednesday, June 15, 2011

AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL: Grave liturgical abuses vs sexual predator priests...which one worst?

An Anglican priest wearing a white girdle arou...Image via Wikipedia

The other part to the mass said at the AMERICAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL meeting in Detroit, is the “serous liturgical abuses” that occurred at the unsanctioned Catholic mass attended by members of the council.

The priest that presided over the mass was a retired gent (78) by the name of the Reverend Robert Wurm who has been now labeled a lifelong REBEL? Anyway, I want to add that over 50 (THAT’S FIFTY) local priests attended this meeting and mass; now that is saying something!!!

So what are these “serious liturgical abuses”; sounds like something downright terrible. Well I guess there are strict rules that have to be followed when saying a mass which I am sure the Reverend Wurm (78) knew about since he has done this for over 50 years.

One rule is that clergy and lay people are treated as distinct groups. OK, that makes sense; I can always tell who the priest is and who are the “people” but I guess at this mass, the attendees were given red stoles to drape over their necks; the stoles said “Come Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love”.

One expert said that only priests or deacons can wear stole and that this resulted in a “conflation of roles” where everybody looked like a priest? I guess this was intentional for symbolic affect; the message is that “everyone” represents the Church, not just the leaders.

Another possible “abuse” was that a layperson (co-organizer) of the meeting gave the HOMILY and that is a definite NO-NO.

Father Wurm says he did everything by the book but after all, he is a “rebel priest” but should he be “defrocked” while the convicted sexual offender priest is allowed to say mass as if nothing has happened?

This is where you have to ask yourself if this absurdity can be allowed to continue or do Catholics have a duty as humans and members of the human race to stand up and say something?

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