Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PACZKI DAY: Great Tradition!


Everybody is Polish on FAT TUESDAY in DETROIT!

I took to work a few dozen of my favorite CUSTARD but others bought all sorts of other flavors. This year I noticed a CREAME CHEESE which has to be new but one which everybody seemed to like a lot.

Is it strange that of all the pre-Lenten celebrations like Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival in Brazil, DETROIT has PACZKI DAY?

Spring must be around the corner...

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


With the GOP presidential primary in full swing here in Michigan, many are asking if Romney and Santorum are right in maintaining that the auto bailout never should have happened.

Romney maintains that GM should have been allowed to go into what he calls, a “structured” bankruptcy and everything would have turned out OK without taxpayer bailout dollars.

I happen to agree with most Republican financial dictums and fiscal common sense tells us that if a company is unsustainable in its present form because of management failure, the proper step is bankruptcy reorganization so it can get back on track.

GM and Chrysler had screwed up badly in not anticipating future situations (unlike Ford) and deserved what happened to them BUT…

President Bush did not want the collapse of the U.S. auto industry to happen on his watch (what a place in history for his legacy) so he went against his Republican principals and ordered a bailout (not Obama as many Republicans want you to think).

Economists say that are structured bankruptcy for GM and Chrysler would not have been possible because they did not have enough money to survive the bankruptcy process; a “bridge loan” was needed and that consequently was provided by the American taxpayers.

Today Chrysler has paid back all bailout money and GM posted a record profit which saw its shares go up which will enable our government (taxpayers) to sell its remaining shares in GM at maybe a profit and then all bailout money will have been re-paid.

Democrats will jump on the notion that not bailing out GM and Chrysler would have cost thousands of jobs (union jobs) while with the taxpayer’s help, GM auto workers will be receiving a $7,000 bonus this year which will help the economy plus with taxpayer’s help, thousands of jobs were preserved.

Obviously hindsight is much more accurate and we all have to now agree that the auto bailout worked very well.

The Republicans cannot go against Tea Party dogma that says all taxpayer funded bailouts are bad because they do not allow capitalism to work like it is suppose to and so they are stuck in that position and can only feebly defend themselves on this issue.

 Santorum seems more likely to win Michigan because of his values/religion position that will attract the kooks in Michigan but in a national election, he has no chance.

It will be humiliating if Romney does not win Michigan but his anti-bailout position will hurt him here.

So right now, Obama is looking like a winner…

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

GET YOUR FLU SHOTS: Its about others not just you...

Just read a great article in the Wall Street Journal titled: MORE DOCTORS “FIRE” VACCINE REFUSERS (Families Who Reject Inoculations Told to Find a New Physician; Contagion in Waiting Room Is a Fear).

Recently I went for my annual eye exam and then to look for some new glasses and the lady helping me had a surgical mask on so of course, I had to ask if she was a flu shot refuser and why.

She told me she took care of her body quite well and did not want some foreign matter being injected into it. She said if she was a nurse working with very sick people she might consider it but helping people select glasses was not a reason to get a flu shot.

I asked her if she did not care if she gave me the flu and she said she would never give me the flu because she never gets sick but Henry Ford healthcare mandates all their employees get flu shots or face dismissal and she thought that policy was very un-American.

I told her that before vaccines 48,000 people died of Rubella annually and 29,000 of Small pox and 21,000 of Diphtheria but since vaccines were invented…0 deaths.

I said vaccines are not “theoretical” medications, they really work and have years of proof behind them but I could see that I was not going to convince this lady but I would urge Henry Ford Healthcare to demand not only surgical masks but also a new set of surgical gloves between seeing customers since they could pick their nose under that mask and still infect me.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SANTORUM: A crime against humanity...

The GOP candidates for president are coming to Michigan, trying to woo voters to their message so there is a lot of bullshit being thrown around lately…

Our local papers are getting into the spirit of the race but one front-page article the Free Press published, we (my wife and I) found disturbing.

The article was titled: BABY FAITH BRINGS A FAMILY TOGETHER by Kathleen Gray (Feb. 13) and sub-titled: Parents praise Santorum’s advice in helping daughter.

Santorum, in my book, is an ultra fundamental Christian (officially Catholic) and has some very strange ideas about life and religion; strange to the point that he may actually be dangerous to himself, his family and this nation.

The article talks about being so pro-life that you would be willing to bring into the world a child that the doctors warned would be severely retarded and unable to live for long since most of her bodily systems could not function properly.

The article features the family (5 children already) and how they deal with the severely disabled child which has the same problems Santorum’s daughter has, which he too brought into the world after being warned about her condition.

I feel we all are pro-life but pro-life is, to me, not an absolute position and that means that it is and must be a relative position, relative to the actual “life” in question.

For Rick Santorum and the parents of baby Faith, bringing those children into the world and remaining pro-life to the core, took precedent over the children’s welfare. That means that these so called pro-life radicals had no concern for the suffering these children would be subjected to in their all too brief life if you can call it a life at all.

If you were given a choice of not being born or of being born into a living hell, never to achieve any form of normality but continue to suffer unimaginable pain until you mercifully expired, what would you choose?

But these parents made the choice for these children, caring only about their Christianity and nothing for the person they placed into hell. They think of themselves as heroes, as people to be idolized for their commitment to their needy child but all I see is total irresponsibility as human beings and ignorant people that should never have been allowed to become parents.

True, parents that were unlucky to have children that needed life long care are heroes for devoting their lives to making their children’s lives a little better on earth but they did not know beforehand that their children would be born that way; they just accepted their fate.

BUT people that are forewarned by doctors with medical proof that their children would be born seriously abnormal and would have a life of pure torture and they still allow those children to be born, they should be charged with a crime against humanity.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

U.S. BISHOPS: A diversionary tactic?

Many Catholics are still perplexed that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has rejected President Obama’s compromise on providing insurance for contraceptive use when most other Catholic institutions affected by the ruling, gladly accepted the compromise.

The more one thinks about what the Catholic Bishops are up to, the clearer it becomes that the bishops are playing what is commonly called, a diversionary tactic.

The bishops have been roundly criticized for doing nothing to stem the potential for priestly abuse of children. By that I mean that they have refused to put into place regulations that would prevent future priestly abuse; even the regulations recommended by the Vatican and others. In fact, the sexual abuse cover up is doing just fine in the United States all thanks to the bishops.

The wily bishops are aware that when the Catholic religion is attacked, Catholics unite to fight the attack so what better way to unite Catholics and divert attention from the bishop’s despicable behavior than to manufacture an attack on Catholicism by the Democratic president of the U.S. who already has many political enemies in this country.

On the surface the diversionary move is a slick move by a bunch of slicksters but I think their move may backfire big time WHEN Obama decides not to take any more shit from the bishops knowing full well that the bishop’s flock is NOT supporting their shit either.

Thank heavens for social media which has changed dramatically what the bishops are allowed to get away with; Catholics do not have to behave like blind sheep anymore. The revolution that is going on in the Vatican is also a good indicator just how screwed up and corrupt, the Catholic leadership is.

Let’s keep hammering away at the smugness of the fat boys…

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

PALIN still has a chance?

How about that GOP race for president; what a joke. I feel bad for Romney who is trying so hard to convince the Right Wing that he is really one of them but not doing such a good job, I guess since he keeps losing to wackos like Santorum.

He won Maine (wow, what a big state) but barely; Ron Paul came in a close second (39% vs.36%) and the votes are straw votes and don’t count in the primaries. I voted for Jon Huntsman in the Michigan GOP primary…

Listening to Romney grovel before the audience at CPAC (CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION CONFERENCE) was hard to take. He reaffirmed that he will fight Obama’s war on religion and repeal gay marriage laws and make abortion illegal in the U.S., all cultural issues which have nothing to do with jobs and our economy but hey, that is what they want to hear.

Sarah Palin talked to the group and said, in not so many words, that Romney is faking his conservatism and would change his views once in office and I believe her. I am not counting PALIN out of this race YET. I think she hopes that the GOP Convention will be so divided that they will call for a compromise candidate like HER…it CAN happen…

It is still very ironic and mind boggling that to win the GOP nomination for president, the candidates must kiss conservative ass BUT to win the national election, they have to distance themselves from conservative hicks who do not represent the majority of American voters…interesting.

Around the water cooler at work, I still hear support for RON PAUL or at least his ideas…but is he electable?

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It was great to see all the letters to the editor this morning by women praising Obama’s free contraceptives initiative and denouncing Catholic bishops for their misguided and ignorant stance against women’s health choices. The bishops recently even rejected Obama’s compromise on the issue making them bigger idiots than they already seem.

There were letters supporting the bishops and they were all by MEN which makes my TALIBAN analogy so much more valid but I have to quickly add that there are many men (me included) that absolutely support women’s health initiatives.

Many Catholic organizations including CATHOLICS FOR CHOICE are taking out ads informing Obama that the votes of the bishops are miniscule compared to the votes of Catholic women in America and it is the women who Obama needs to listen to and not some old, sterile fuddy-duddy bishops that know what they talk about.

Let the battle rage…

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

PAULA DEEN: Unethical behavior?

I have been meaning to say something about PAULA DEEN, a famous and much followed chef on the food channel for some time now.

My business is laboratory tests and one of my best sellers is a test for Type 2 Diabetes, the A1c test. It is a best seller because in this country and around the world, Type 2 Diabetes is running rampant. Even youngsters are getting it and some of my friends found out they had it recently.

This type of diabetes is caused by overloading one’s system with sugars and carbs until it rebels. The disease can shorten life and it definitely reduces the quality of one’s life and it can be prevented by watching one’s diet.

Paula Deen has been cooking and promoting the calorie-rich, fatty as hell Southern Style of cooking for years; always with a healthy smile implying it’s good for you.

Now we find out that she has had Type 2 Diabetes for years which is mainly caused by eating calorie-rich, fatty foods. Why is she revealing her disease now? Well she is now the spokesperson for Novo Nordisk, the maker of medications for treating Type 2 Diabetes.

Now Deen does not see any problem in the way she kept her disease secret while encouraging her viewers to eat her cooking which has been shown to contribute to the development of Type 2 Diabetes…but I do. I think it is definitely a breach of some kind of dietary ethics (do no harm to the person eating your recopies). Or at least your conscience should give you trouble knowing your helping your viewers get a disease that they don’t want.

Deen has said she has no regrets with her decisions and is at peace with herself and of course likes the money she is making promoting the diabetes medication.

She has been criticized by one chef that had the balls to call her out about her charade and the damage she may have done to her audience but I doubt any other chefs will come out against her and that is why I think the whole Food network is going to take a hit and hopefully adjust their cooking styles to help obese America get back into shape.

As for Deen - never liked her style and her personality and I hope she does not make a killing from doing something I consider unethical and unconscionable.

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Obama’s ruling that private health plans must provide preventive services like breast exams, HIV screening and contraception for free was hailed as a policy that would help millions of women get the affordable health care that they need has been turned into an attack on religious freedom when in reality, it is an attack on women’s personal health care decisions and should be compared to an attack by the forces of a U.S. Taliban.

The Wall Street Journal (Feb. 8) had a great article titled WHY THE BIRTH-CONTROL MANDATE MAKES SENSE written by three U.S. Democratic senators: Jeanne Shaheen, Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray.

In the article, they state that the Institute of medicine as well as other medical experts back the mandate as essential to the health of women and families. Access to birth control is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality. It reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and generally contributes to overall health of women.

1.5 million women use contraceptives only as treatment for serious medical conditions and not to prevent pregnancy. I have seen this in young women that had such painful periods they had to go on birth control pills that eliminated the unbearable pain.

Also, reducing unintended pregnancies leads to fewer abortions which we all should want as a goal.

99% of sexually active women have used birth control at some point in their lives including 98% of Catholic women.

How is this an attack on religious freedom when banning the mandate FORCES women to follow religious doctrine they do not believe in or practice (catholic or not). What about their freedom?

Institutions that serve the public, receive government funds and get special tax benefits MUST play by the rules other institutions play by…period!

The senators end their article by stating that improved access to birth control is a good health policy and a good economic policy. It means healthier women, healthier children and healthier families and why is that a bad thing…

The bulk of this attack against American women’s health is spearheaded by American Catholic bishops (the U.S. Taliban) who obviously do not give a shit about the health of their female parishioners and their families.

Obama is already caving in for political reasons but a loud and powerful shout-out by Catholic women against this deplorable attack on their health by their own church leaders that have no clue as to what a family is and how it functions, would at least tell them how insignificant and inconsequential their pronouncements really are!

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Friday, February 10, 2012

BABY BOOMERS: There is still time to make a difference...

My wife asks why I get so emotional about certain issues, shouldn’t I be calming down a little in my old age and reflecting on issues in a more calm and composed way, worthy of a grandfather in his 60s?

Well I have tried but I guess it just isn’t in me to just sit back and just watch world events just pass me by.

I guess I feel a responsibility to make some form of effort in reacting to certain issues in a loud as I can manner because I am after all, a BABYBOOMER.

We were and are the largest generation in our history. We were born after WWII from 1946 to 1964 but really 1946-1955 was enough time for those returning from the war to create the post-war generation.

I was always proud to be part of the baby-boomer generation. We represented the NEW and MODERN generation; we were the rock & roll generation, we were going to change the world.

It did not help that right after high school we faced the draft for the Vietnam War. We lost over 58,000 of our generation when we were only in our teens and early 20s. BUT we rebelled, ended the war, became hippies with long hair and threw out the window all of our parent’s silly ideas and rules but did we…

Did we change the world; did we make the world a better place?

Looking around me today, I don’t think we lived up to the hype and the promise. Yes, we did well and raised great kids and now are helping raise our grandkids but did we make a difference?

Can we still make a difference? Do we have time to make a difference? That is only if we care about our legacy; our generations legacy. Leaving good, smart kids behind is definitely an achievement but is that enough?

The reason I get so involved with certain issues so passionately is because I still feel we have not crawled out of the Dark Ages and remain in many ways, backward. This was not the promise of our generation to remain unchanged, we were taking society to a new level of enlightenment, peace and well being but I think we have failed…

And so I end with a poem by Dylan Thomas (1952) that encourages me…

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at the close of day,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

There is still time to make a difference…

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012


U.S. Catholic bishops are spending millions to fight Obama and his insistence that if you get federal funds you will follow federal rules even if they include providing contraceptives.

The bishops are calling this an attack against religion and the Republican presidential candidates are jumping into the fray with both feet.

Is it an attack on religion or on the Catholic Church…no way!

It comes down to MONEY. The government gives out millions in taxpayer dollars to institutions to provide social services usually to the poor. These government contracts come with rules and since these services are for the poor and downtrodden, the rules mandate providing services that the poor and downtrodden need.

Catholic social service organizations want the taxpayer money BUT they want to provide the services only they want to provide and NOT what the people searching for these services need.

Catholic social services will not deal with people that are gay, no matter what their need. They will not distribute condoms to people in danger of contracting HIV. They will not deal with people needing help with pregnancy issues…etc.

So why in the hell would the federal government give them a contract to help the poor and downtrodden when they will not address the issue they have and need help with? It makes no sense to me and I hope it makes no sense to you.

I guess what really pisses me off is that the bishops are screaming for their “religious liberty” but really what they want is their views to be made into law for all Americans and that just cannot be allowed.

Catholic groups that have opposed U.S. bishops and their unrealistic and down right idiotic views on how humans in our society should behave need to step up to the podium and make their opposing views known. The Catholic leadership must be shown how out of step with their congregations they are and how they will not be allowed to browbeat Americans into accepting the legitimacy of their views because obviously they do not follow the teachings of Jesus who did not turn anyone away that wanted his help.

Time to stand up to the bullies; time to take their power away and that means QUIT GIVING THEM MONEY!!!

Note: Obama has already given into the bishops when he declined to allow the "morning after pill" to be sold without a prescription even though all doctors agreed to it. Let us hope he has the balls to stand up to them AFTER ALL they do not control the way Catholics vote!

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Tuesday, February 07, 2012


The Catholic Church says that EACH act of INTERCOURSE MUST be open to procreation.

If I followed that precept, I would have hundreds of kids by now and my wife would be dead and I would be a raving lunatic and the kids would be suffering big time because the ruling is stupid and unrealistic and that is why most Catholics and practically all Catholic women just ignore the idiotic rule and use some form of contraception.

Here is the rub: Obama’s new health plan “mandates” accessibility to contraceptives for all women that want it. In other words, if you provide health insurance to your workers, the health insurance plan MUST contain a provision for obtaining contraceptive devices or provide them for free to people in the plan after all, Viagra is covered by all plans, why not contraceptives.

There are virtually thousands of workers that work for religious institutions such as hospitals and schools and many of them are NOT Catholic. Obama’s rule would exempt institutions that provide health care coverage ONLY to people of their faith but NOT if their coverage includes non-Catholic employees.

Catholic bishops are crying that Obama’s rule violates their FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE and is an ATTACK ON THEIR FAITH and Obama is listening to them because it may mean loosing votes (I doubt it) even if it violates HIS own conscience.

The bishops are promoting the NATURAL FAMILY PLAN. The same bishops have no idea what it means or feels to be married or even be with a woman and yet they are adamant about telling couples how they should behave in their matrimonial union…how preposterous and insane is that?

Since most Catholics do not follow the Church precepts on birth control or even on abortion, why do they put up with the bullshit coming out of their leader’s mouths?

This to me seems like a huge disconnect between the Church and its members, making the whole situation seem silly and absurd.

I think Obama should stick to his guns and demand contraceptive coverage for all employees of religious institutions and this will allow those employees to decide for themselves if they want to use contraceptives or not and not some celibate reprobate.

Republicans are jumping on this issue and saying Obama is waging was on religion. Well excuse me but this is not Taliban country and people working for religious institutions are entitled to the same coverage everybody else is getting…period.

And for those clergy and other religious people that say this all smacks of an attack on their freedom of conscience, all I have to say how dare you talk about conscience after the priestly sex scandal.

Note: Why oppose contraception? Each kid born is a potential dues paying Catholic so the more the better for ole’ Mother Church!

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I have been cruising for the last two weeks and only getting bits and pieces of news on the ship but now that I am back, I see that there are many issues to comment on.

One biggie is the decision of the Susan B. Komen for the Cure Foundation to pull its financial support from the Planned Parenthood organization; it has since reversed its decision after a national uproar.

But what happened. Both organizations help women. Since my sister had breast cancer, we have been doing the Relay for Life every year and contributing what we can to the fight against breast cancer. Planned Parenthood provides breast screening for thousands of women who cannot afford health care insurance so the two organizations seemed to be on the same page with similar goals.

The Komen Foundation’s donations to Planned Parenthood go to help finance breast cancer screenings.

BUT Planned Parenthood also performs abortions even though performing abortions is a very small part of what it does for women’s health and here is the rub!

Abortion is legal in this country and has been decreasing every year due to “planned parenthood” get it? Teach people how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortions will not be necessary.

Anyway, it appears that a Komen vice-president named Karen Handel is a rabid anti-choice and anti-abortion extremist and had engineered this move to stop funding Planned Parenthood and somehow slipped it under the radar. Well you cannot just slip something like this under the radar and that is why all hell broke loose…she has now resigned / got fired from her position.

My question here is that knowing that Planned Parenthood helps thousands of women with their health issues when no one else will, why would you want to cut off contributions to such a worthwhile organization?

And this is because anti-choice / abortion radicals are so infatuated with fetus worship that they would actually do harm to living women just to get their way. They are myopic to the max, not seeing the reality of the issue at hand and that makes them dangerous to the max because they will stop at nothing to achieve whatever crazy goal they have in mind.

I am glad to see this immediate coverage of the issue by the media and especially the reaction on social media; can’t pull a fast one any more. Hopefully the reaction to what Karen Handel tried to do will be a lesson to all sane people as to the capabilities of the fetus worshipers.

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...