Saturday, February 18, 2012


With the GOP presidential primary in full swing here in Michigan, many are asking if Romney and Santorum are right in maintaining that the auto bailout never should have happened.

Romney maintains that GM should have been allowed to go into what he calls, a “structured” bankruptcy and everything would have turned out OK without taxpayer bailout dollars.

I happen to agree with most Republican financial dictums and fiscal common sense tells us that if a company is unsustainable in its present form because of management failure, the proper step is bankruptcy reorganization so it can get back on track.

GM and Chrysler had screwed up badly in not anticipating future situations (unlike Ford) and deserved what happened to them BUT…

President Bush did not want the collapse of the U.S. auto industry to happen on his watch (what a place in history for his legacy) so he went against his Republican principals and ordered a bailout (not Obama as many Republicans want you to think).

Economists say that are structured bankruptcy for GM and Chrysler would not have been possible because they did not have enough money to survive the bankruptcy process; a “bridge loan” was needed and that consequently was provided by the American taxpayers.

Today Chrysler has paid back all bailout money and GM posted a record profit which saw its shares go up which will enable our government (taxpayers) to sell its remaining shares in GM at maybe a profit and then all bailout money will have been re-paid.

Democrats will jump on the notion that not bailing out GM and Chrysler would have cost thousands of jobs (union jobs) while with the taxpayer’s help, GM auto workers will be receiving a $7,000 bonus this year which will help the economy plus with taxpayer’s help, thousands of jobs were preserved.

Obviously hindsight is much more accurate and we all have to now agree that the auto bailout worked very well.

The Republicans cannot go against Tea Party dogma that says all taxpayer funded bailouts are bad because they do not allow capitalism to work like it is suppose to and so they are stuck in that position and can only feebly defend themselves on this issue.

 Santorum seems more likely to win Michigan because of his values/religion position that will attract the kooks in Michigan but in a national election, he has no chance.

It will be humiliating if Romney does not win Michigan but his anti-bailout position will hurt him here.

So right now, Obama is looking like a winner…

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