Tuesday, October 22, 2013


A recent article in the Wall Street Journal under “Generation Gap” caught my eye: EVENGELICAL LEADER PREACHES A PULLBACK FROM POLITICS, CULTURE WARS by Neil King, Jr. (October 22, 2013).

In the near past, Evangelicals were all about screaming against abortion, gay marriage and for prayer in schools and other unconstitutional issues.

There are now new voices in the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION such as Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

He, like Pope Francis wants to get away from the political and cultural battle going on and concentrate on INCLUSIVENESS and not EXCLUSIVENESS.

This is happening mainly because young people are progressive thinking and all about inclusiveness and are leaving these mainstream churches in droves; if the Catholic Church and the Evangelicals (Southern Baptists) want to survive into the near future, they need to change their tone and their emphasis.

I find this especially interesting because even though church dogma still remains in opposition to homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion and in the Catholic Church, contraception, it has to be de-emphasized as in not of fundamental importance as far as the human race is concerned.

People are practicing their lives as they see fit and if religion stands in opposition to what normal people think and practice in their daily lives, than those religions will die; if no one is listening who are you preaching to…

We are truly living in historical times…


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DETROIT ARCHBISHOP: For president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops?

Just read a report that Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron is a candidate for president of the U.S. CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS.

This organization has been hell bent on challenging Obamacare because of concerns about the insurance covering contraception and abortion.

The president of this bishop’s conference would be the go-to person for Pope Francis when it came to promoting the pope’s vision in the United States.

The problem is that Pope Francis has already come out strongly about letting issues on contraception and abortion and gay marriage GO and concentrating on the real mission of the Catholic Church and that is to help Catholics all around the world in managing their earthly lives and NOT keep telling them what the hell they should or should not do!

Vigneron has been a disappointment because he is far from progressive and more like regressive after Benedict and so if he does get elected, will he go against the will of Pope Francis who is a definite progressive?

Or will the conference elect someone a little more progressive (if one exists) and more in tune with the pope?

These are interesting times…


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UAW at VW: Workers fighting back!

Updating the UAW’s attempt to unionize VW in Chattanooga, TN we now have a suit filed with the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) that VW is trying to force workers at their plant in Chattanooga to join the UAW or not get the chance to build the next SUV (which will go to Mexico if the workers don’t cooperate).

You may be wondering why an auto manufacturer would actually encourage UNIONIZATION at its facilities. Well the Germans are different and the strong German auto unions are the ones pushing for unionization in America.

This is a bit more complicated than it seems since in Germany the factories have WORKER COUNCILs which is different from what we have here which are UNION SHOPS where the UAW controls everything. I tried to explain that difference in a previous blog.

Anyway, workers at the VW plant in Chattanooga filed a complaint with the NLRB accusing senior managers at VW from “hinting” that they could lose future products to Mexico if they don’t play ball with the UAW. This appeal is backed by the NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK FOUNDATION.

The problem with filing a complaint to the NLRB is that the NLRB is a union lackey even if it claims to be impartial in labor disputes.

If VW was discouraging workers from joining the UAW all hell would break loose at the NLRB but the opposite will not even get the NLRB to answer the phone.

I am so glad that someone there is battling the UAW takeover of the plant and not just letting them waltz in using their deceptive tactics.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

DETROIT: Stop the racism in the mayoral campaign!

This November, Detroit will elect a new mayor and I have mentioned before that this is the first time in a very long time where a white man (Mike Duggan) is running for the office; he is running against Benny Napoleon a black man.

Mike Duggan has actually garnered a lot of support from the black community because he is seen as an experienced administrator with a proven track record of fixing companies in financial trouble; in this case it was the Detroit Medical Center. These supporters feel he can do the same for the city.

Benny Napoleon, on the other hand, does not have a good track record of administration but in fact has had many a problem in his long career in city and county government.

An article in the Detroit News about the upcoming election caught my eye. It was titled IN MAYOR’S RACE, LET PEOPLE – NOT PREACHERS – DECIDE. It was written by the Reverend Jim Holley, a well-known local black pastor who happens to be an ardent supporter of Mike Duggan.

I have written on many occasions how black Baptist preachers in Detroit are the most vocal opponents of sacrificing black power in Detroit even if that black power is totally corrupt and incompetent. In essence, they only care about their own power in the city and damn the city and its people.

Traditionally, candidates for office in the city of Detroit, make speeches at many of the local churches before the election takes place.

In this election, these churches are allowing the black candidate to address their congregations but not the white candidate and that has the Reverend Holly a little more than upset.

He argued that the elections have nothing to do with religion but everything to do with politics. Those pastors denying Duggan a pulpit spot are doing a disservice to their congregation by not letting them hear both candidates and then make up their minds how to vote. Holley feels that by denying Duggan a spot, they are trying to influence the election and that is just undemocratic.

Holley made a great comparison using Obama’s election saying if white folks did not allow Obama to deliver his message, we would not have a black president today and that is exactly what Detroit pastors are doing to Mike Duggan.

Letters to the editor about this issue mainly focused on the fact that churches / religion should have no part in politics but here in Detroit churches and especially very vocal black pastors inject themselves into city politics as they always have and why? That has always been a good question and I still have not found a suitable answer except to suggest that they (black pastors) want a powerful role in the politics of the city; ego trip – black power trip?

Another respected black journalist also added his voice to the racism being injected into the mayoral campaign. He cannot believe that even his close friends believe that a white man as mayor will mean a white takeover of the city. He calls it preposterous but it is real.

The only hope the city of Detroit as well as its residence have is to prevail over the old racist ways and elect a mayor that will actually be successful in bringing the city back to health and not just the black candidate because he is black.



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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Sanity must return...

John Boehner and his fellow Republicans in the House of Representatives are in a very difficult position (all of their own doing).

What started out as a mission to de-fund Obamacare has now spiraled into a total quagmire?

As I mentioned before, the fact that they tried to challenge an existing law; a law passed by Congress and legitimized by the Supreme Court was the height of absurdity. Their argument for doing what they were doing was that the American people wanted them to challenge the law; excuse me but did not the nation elect Obama, the man that stood for Obamacare and did not elect Romney who pledged to repeal Obamacare???...please don’t insult our intelligence any more…

Anyway, since that move backfired big time, they then started saying that Obama refuses to negotiate with them and the question that was immediately asked was what the fuck should Obama negotiate with you…the law is the law; negotiations are over because it passed!

Now the Republicans have shifted the spin to a budget issue; forget about Obamacare.

So we have a government shutdown and are looking at a government default; both are hurting our economy big time, all because Obama will not talk about the budget? When did that become an issue or did you just make it an issue because you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about now…

This is actually very embarrassing for us as a nation because this whole mess was produced for no good reason by supposed adults that are behaving like spoiled, mindless brats.

I am hoping that there are some Republicans in the House who actually have the welfare of the country as their primary responsibility and not some stupid Republican ideology pushed by some Republicans with sanity issues.

With the help of reasonable Republicans a vote could be taken to eliminate de-funding Obamacare from the table completely (it should never have been an issue in the first place) and vote to re-start the government and raise the debt ceiling until after next year’s mid-term election when hopefully the voters will throw all the bums that caused this mess out on their ears and elect people that will actually do the job they were elected to do; run the government not shut it down.

John Boehner and his ilk is in real trouble and sounding more insane as the days go by. I do not see any exit for them that will not harm (permanently) their political reputations and futures.

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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Pope Francis: Two new saints?

Pope Francis has just announced that he will “fast fort ward” the sainthoods of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II.

The Vatican has some secret criteria for making people saints which includes the criteria of three people being healed by praying to the person…really?

The only criteria that should matter to those of this earth is if that person did something while on this earth that was of great benefit to the people of this earth or the earth itself.

John XXIII is my favorite because even though he had a short papal term, the little fat man had vision way beyond the normal Catholic leader and saw that the Catholic Church needed to change its ways if it was to remain relevant to the people it served. He initiated Vatican II and the rest is history.

Pope John Paul II, the first Polish pope, was immensely popular but that is not enough to make you as saint. The only thing that distinguished this pope was the fact that he helped and was instrumental in the downfall of Communism in our world and that was immensely beneficial to the people that suffered under its yoke.

I am glad he is not pushing the sainthood of Pope Pius XII who was pope during WWII and known as the Nazi pope because the man has too many questions associated with his reign and most of those are negative; he did not do enough to protect the Jews from the Nazis.

So far Francis is right on…


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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...