Friday, October 07, 2005


Pope Benedict / Vatican has issued an order for inspectors to look for "evidence of homosexuality" in seminary students and then ask them to leave.

This appears to be a direct response to the clergy sex abuse scandal in the U.S. The scandal is basically priests molesting young boys which usually indicates a form of pedophilia and not homosexuality. Is the Vatican confused?

Anyway, there are a number of factors here to talk about.

The Vatican order has stipulated that even if the seminarian / priest is celibate but homosexual; he must go. I can actually see their point here in light of the Vatican's condemnation of gays in general and their immoral and sinful lifestyle - can't have a gay priest preaching an anti-gay message?

A response from "Catholic Men's Orders" against the edict is very interesting. Are they scared of losing most of their members? Does that mean many ARE gay and the leaders of the Orders know that? How long has this been going on - years - decades -more?

The priesthood is a dying profession for one reason: celibacy. What normal man would want to devote his life to the Church as a celibate (forever)? The answer is NO NORMAL man would and therefore you get ABNORMAL men as priests. They don't have to all be pedophiles but there HAS to be something wrong with them or if they were normal entering the priesthood, they surely became abnormal as the years have gone by.

The Church can end this crisis by dropping the celibacy requirement. Many Popes defended the requirement saying Christ was celibate - WRONG - scholars agree that no one knows or can know that and if you rely on historical precedent - most Jewish men at 30 were married and going to a prostitute was not a bad thing in those days.

Popes also cited tradition. Well priests were allowed to get married in the beginning but were barred from marriage in the Middle Ages when many priests / clergy would leave their material possessions to their sons instead of the Church. That could have been easily fixed by banning the practice but NO - the Church banned marriage and included celibacy just in case of illegitimate offspring that could get the Church's money.

Another argument is that the priest needs ALL his time devoted to the flock - BULLSHIT - what about all the other religions (even Orthodox Catholic) where the clergy is allowed to marry (everybody BUT the Roman Catholics). Do they not do a good job? Do they neglect their flock?
Are they normal?

So you see that is NO valid argument for celibacy.

Is the Vatican prepared to save the Priesthood? Are they capable of saving the priesthood at least in the U.S.?

They can always import priests from other countries that have become priests to escape their miserable living conditions and lack of economic growth potential. We have some here in Michigan from Africa and Eastern Europe. The problem is that these priests are normal and they usually grab/befriend/molest females as soon as they get over here and have to be sent back.

The Catholic Church, at least in the United States, is at a crossroad. Lets see what happens.


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