Wednesday, September 06, 2006


We need to talk more about the Bush administration’s major push, before the November elections, to confuse the American voter about the war on terror and their failed war in Iraq.

My question is that if everyone in the world can see that the war in Iraq is un-winnable and was a huge mistake in the first place, why is Bush continuing to sacrifice American lives?

His original plan to democratize Iraq and therefore all of the Middle East, one country at a time, is a big, fat failure – it will never work. So why does he not pull out?

Because he would have to admit failure and admit that our soldiers died for nothing; something he obviously is not prepared to do and so what is he prepared to do.

If in November, the Democrats win and force him to pull out of Iraq; he will say that the Democrats lost the war on terror because they ran instead of staying the course, which brings us to why he is so fiercely trying to conflate the war on terror with the war in Iraq – is he is looking for a way out for himself and his party and for a kinder treatment in history books?

The hard question is does he really believe what he is saying or is he just plain lying to save his ass. I think he may believe that his original plan had merit (democracy in the Middle East) and he may even believe that Iraq is not lost yet but how can he believe that the killing in Iraq is due to terrorists when his own generals report a civil war between Iraqis.

In my opinion he is trying to make the best out of a really bad situation. He wants the Republicans to win in November and so he will again, lie and confuse the issue, so Americans will believe him and vote accordingly. He has lied before and it seems natural for him. I think he believes that the end justifies the means and that God is on his side and has appointed him to save civilization as we know it.

He has now lumped terrorists into the “Islamo – Fascist” camp, hell bent on destroying us all. The war in Iraq is now just part of the big battle against these enemies. Iran is an enemy so is Syria and so is Hezbollah and Hamas; they are all gunning for us. We must kill them all!

He has conveniently forgotten that if he had taken care of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and not invaded Iraq, we and the world would not be in this precarious spot in history and for that reason we need to throw the bastards out!


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