Sunday, December 03, 2006


I told you about the bipartisan Iraq study group of Baker and Hamilton and how they are suppose to give President Bush a game plan of how to get the hell out of Iraq without causing too much damage – too much damage? I have hoped that this wise group would make some commonsensical suggestions like to divide Iraq, like I have suggested, but I am starting to have my doubts.

Some leaked information is pointing to a suggestion to get Syria and Iran involved. Well, since they are the countries that were and probably are, sending in rebels to destabilize Iraq, it seems kind of ironic.

Iran, a theocracy is dangerous. As long as the clerics are in power and they will be in power for a very long time because the people, who want to be modern, just are not strong enough to overthrow the clerics. I hope I am wrong and something is fomenting there but right now, we cannot see any ray of hope there.

Iran has a madman for president and he can and will do anything to advance his and Iran’s power and influence. They are Shiite Muslims, sworn enemies of Sunni Muslims (the factions slaughtering each other in Iraq).

Iran would love to add Iraq as another Shiite brother theocracy. They still aim to destroy Israel and this would make them more powerful and when they get the atom bomb – watch out world.

Syria officially is secular or non-religious. Syrians are mostly Sunni Muslims and believe me, the regular people ARE probably religious; a factor to keep in mind.

Syria also wants to destroy Israel and control Lebanon. Ceding Iraq to Iran may not be in their best interest but this is where it gets a little complicated because we do not know what kind of deal they can make with each other; we give you Iraq if you give us Lebanon?

What would the U.S. want to talk to these two about - ask them to quit sending terrorists to Iraq? Ask Iran to quit supporting the Shiite insurgents? I don’t really know and have no ideas. Hopefully the Baker report will make it clear what they want these two countries to do in this mess.

My idea of dividing Iraq is not such an easy solution. Each division would come under influence by more powerful countries. The Shiite part would automatically become an Iranian protectorate. The Sunni’s would come under Syria and the Kurds would be hated by all and probably attacked by all – they have the oil.

The U.S. would still be involved if they wanted to protect each division and allow each division to become an independent country. The Kurds have the best and probably only chance of forming a semblance of a democratic form of government. Bush’s whole reason for going into this war fiasco was to introduce democracy into the Middle East with the hope of it spreading. The Kurds would be his only chance of that ever happening.

More and more though, it is looking like we cannot win no matter what we do. Let the civil war play out till the bitter end? Well at least we would not be losing our soldiers on a daily basis and all those billions of dollars.

The Bush legacy; who gives a fuck, he will already go down in history as the biggest idiot president who damaged this country and the world because of his ignorance EVEN though he had good intentions.

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