Monday, April 23, 2007


The Sunday papers carried a front page story titled “U.S. plan backs off training of Iraqis”. Basically our plan of training an Iraqi army to eventually take over for us and allow our troops to leave is a failure.

Our troops will now go it alone in bringing peace to the country.

Hold on; not so fast! Where does that leave us? I think it leaves us nowhere.

Senator Harry Reid the Majority Leader called the war LOST. He also said that Bush is delusional about the war in Iraq. I agree!

Our plan to create a democracy in the Middle East is kaput. Our troops actually tried to construct a wall between the Shiite sections of Baghdad and the Sunni; stupid last attempts to stop the slaughter.

The New York Times reported that a separation into three (3) areas like I have suggested from the beginning is still an option but Bush will not hear of it.

Bush’s idea of a victory in Iraq is now unknowable, even to himself. I think he has lost his mind and is now operating as a zombie, repeating his claim that we are fighting al-Qaeda over and over and over again.

The Democrats need to strike while the striking is good. Keep repeating that Bush is out of control, incompetent and delusional. Keep pressing him until he cracks; he is close to it. Above all else, they need to override his veto by getting Republicans to join them. They can do this by painting Bush as a madman and Congress as duty-bound to save this country from this raving lunatic.

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