Sunday, November 25, 2007

Healthcare #2 - Employers.

Today’s paper carried articles on healthcare reform and the fact that it is the second biggest issue that concerns voters right now; the Iraq War is the first issue.

I will be going over some of the plans that Democrats and republicans are promoting but I will limit the discussion to specific points per blog to keep it short and readable.

I mentioned before that “socialized medicine” plans are not on the table at either party.

In my opinion the “employer provided” health plans should be abolished and individuals should be required to buy their own plans. Many plans should be offered so that you can buy as little or as much health coverage as you want or can afford. Those who need help in paying for health coverage because of low income, etc. would be able to apply for a subsidy from our government.

The reason I favored doing away with “employer provided” health coverage is because people look at that coverage as “free” and often misuse it and also because they don’t pay for it they don’t see any reason to lead a healthy life-style.

If people had to pay for their healthcare they would make sure they did everything possible to remain healthy.

Anyway, the plans being promoted by our presidential candidates keep “employer provided” health benefits but for employers that do not provide any medical coverage, the plans call for them to contribute to a general medical coverage pool that would be used to subsidize those people that need help buying their own insurance.

Another problem with keeping “employer provided” medical coverage is that if an employer has been providing generous benefits sees that he can cut his expenses by paying into that mandated medical coverage pool, he will and the workers would lose out at this point.

California seems to be on the threshold of bringing out such a plan and it will be interesting to see what happens. It will be closely watched as a potential plan for the whole nation. Massachusetts already has a similar plan.

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