Friday, October 31, 2014

MARK TOTTEN FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: Schuette not endorsed by both newspapers for a very good reason...

Bill Schuette, Michigan’s current Attorney General is a Republican and is running hard against his Democratic opponent MARK TOTTEN.

It is very telling when neither Detroit newspaper backed Schuette for Attorney General; there are very good reasons for doing that.

The main reason is that Schuette files lawsuits based on his ideology and not what the state needs him to do. He is very conservative and a religious nut job and he feels he needs to act in accordance with his conservative principles and not what is good for the state of Michigan and its residents.

He filed suits opposing Obamacare which cost the state millions. He opposed gay marriage when Michiganians backed it. He interfered in the Detroit bankruptcy case and made things worse and filed lawsuits based on his religious conviction which he had no business doing.

In his ads he keeps touting the fact that he pushed for the examination of rape kits that were just collecting dust in evidence lockers but he says nothing about his opposition to rape victim’s rights to an abortion when a pregnancy resulted from the rape; what kind of sick thinking is that?

The man is not doing his job as defined by the role of State Attorney General and it is for this reason that both newspapers are endorsing his opponent MARK TOTTEN even though Totten is an unknown; anybody but Schuette.

Schuette’s ads are compelling and Totten does not have much money for his campaign and so it does not seem like Totten has a chance but hey, every vote counts and maybe the message will go out that Schuette is not a good candidate for Attorney General but alas, money is buying this election.

RICK SNYDER ENDORSED BY BOTH PAPERS: What does that tell you...

I am having trouble understanding why the race for governor of Michigan is so close.

Both the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press endorsed Rick Snyder. That is pretty rare as the Free Press is a liberal paper and usually endorses Democrats and the Detroit News is a conservative paper and endorses Republican candidates. Obviously the brains at each paper concluded that Snyder is the best for Michigan and its residents.

Rick Snyder, in my opinion, has made the absolute right decisions to get Michigan back to economic health and is on target to keep Michigan moving forward.

Snyder also made the tough decision which was fraught with racial overtones, to put Detroit into bankruptcy and on the road to recovery.

The fact that Snyder is not a career politician but an accountant/businessman is such a huge plus since he makes decisions based on common sense and not on idiotic political ideology.

Not being a career politician he also does not owe allegiance to the people that put him in office like the Democrats owe to the unions.

Speaking of unions, the UAW was about to make themselves permanent fixtures in Michigan by changing our constitution to make unions a part of our constitution and therefore invincible against any attacks. Snyder countered that by making Michigan a right-to-work state which has already proved beneficial.

Mark Shauer is making a big deal about the tax on pensions which to me is what every other state does anyway and is nothing but a tax on income earned which we all pay. Shauer is trying to tell people with pensions that he will reverse the tax…bullshit; Shauer will not be able to balance the budget by eliminating taxes without finding new revenue.

The voters of Michigan who are not voting for Rick Snyder are just poking themselves in the eye and worst yet, also poking all of us in the eye by letting an inexperienced Democrat with allegiance to unions and with no clear plan how he can better an already great plan that Snyder has put into place.

IF ITS NOT BROKE, DON’T FIX IT and that is exactly where Snyder and Michigan now stand…why would people want to fuck up a good thing.

I have to blame the misinformation campaign on the unions who desperately need to get back their control of our state. I hope the people of Michigan are a little smarter than to allow this naked grab for power.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pope Francis and the conservatives at the Synod...

The latest info leaking out of the Vatican where a SYNOD (church council) of bishops is meeting hinted at some liberalization involving gays and divorced Catholics among other issues. Well a strong backlash has occurred with Catholic conservatives challenging all such liberalizations as heresy. A heresy is any opinion, idea or thought that is contrary to established church dogma.

Some letter writers to the Detroit News wrote that the Vatican cannot change the teachings of the church because those teachings came from GOD.

The basic Catholic does not distinguish between Doctrine, Dogma, Discipline or Tradition to any great extent and believe everything coming out of the Vatican is from God.

Our history is replete with people and organizations that have claimed to be the voice of God. The Old Testament is loaded with prophets that claim to speak for God. Shamans, witch doctors, faith healers, seers, oracles, soothsayers all claim to have a connection with the “other” side and have inhabited our history for many, many years and still do to some extent, today.

The Catholic Church claims to speak for God based on the Apostolic Succession principle which states that Jesus gave Peter the authority to build HIS church here on earth. St. Peter then passed on that authority to all successive popes and therefore the Catholic Church.

Historically that is quite debatable since Peter and the other apostles were opposed to the teachings of St. Paul on whose teachings the Catholic Church is based. There is also skepticism as to Peter’s actual presence in Rome but the church claims that by “tradition” Peter was the first pope and all successive popes obtain their authority from Peter who obtained it from Jesus…but that is a historical argument meant for another time…

I feel the Catholic Church owes it to its followers to explain in detail the differences between “irrevocable” teachings and teachings that can be changed according to new data based on a developing social structure and custom as well as scientific evidence and new interpretations of what the Bible is saying to us today (the Bible words were directed at people not of our age).

The Catholic Church has definitely painted itself into a corner on some of its pronouncements as it has in the past on many occasions but to remain relevant in people’s lives it needs to change some of its views.

I understand that it is extremely difficult for the church to admit it may have been wrong on some issues but I feel Pope Francis will find a way to appease the conservatives and give the progressives what they have been calling for…a tough job indeed.


Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...