Friday, October 31, 2014

MARK TOTTEN FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: Schuette not endorsed by both newspapers for a very good reason...

Bill Schuette, Michigan’s current Attorney General is a Republican and is running hard against his Democratic opponent MARK TOTTEN.

It is very telling when neither Detroit newspaper backed Schuette for Attorney General; there are very good reasons for doing that.

The main reason is that Schuette files lawsuits based on his ideology and not what the state needs him to do. He is very conservative and a religious nut job and he feels he needs to act in accordance with his conservative principles and not what is good for the state of Michigan and its residents.

He filed suits opposing Obamacare which cost the state millions. He opposed gay marriage when Michiganians backed it. He interfered in the Detroit bankruptcy case and made things worse and filed lawsuits based on his religious conviction which he had no business doing.

In his ads he keeps touting the fact that he pushed for the examination of rape kits that were just collecting dust in evidence lockers but he says nothing about his opposition to rape victim’s rights to an abortion when a pregnancy resulted from the rape; what kind of sick thinking is that?

The man is not doing his job as defined by the role of State Attorney General and it is for this reason that both newspapers are endorsing his opponent MARK TOTTEN even though Totten is an unknown; anybody but Schuette.

Schuette’s ads are compelling and Totten does not have much money for his campaign and so it does not seem like Totten has a chance but hey, every vote counts and maybe the message will go out that Schuette is not a good candidate for Attorney General but alas, money is buying this election.

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