Thursday, March 26, 2015

A CALL TO REFORM ISLAM...a book and a discussion.

This Saturday’s Wall Street Journal had a very interesting article titled: THE REFORMATION OF ISLAM and was an essay adapted from a book titled: HERETIC: WHY ISLAM NEEDS A REFORMATION NOW by a young, female author AYAAN HIRSI ALI.

What struck me about this article is the fact that it went right to the heart of the matter; WHAT MAKES UP THE RELIGION ITSELF.

Recently, President Obama as well as many Islam apologists have tried to distinguish between the true ISLAM that preaches peace and justice and the ISIS and al-Qaeda Islam that preaches Holy War (Jihad) against the West and even against those who share their faith but are somehow infidels and apostates.

The problem with this idea of two Islams is that it just isn’t true; there is only one Islam and all Muslims are united under the same belief system and this needs to be pointed out in no uncertain terms.

What is interesting is the fact that Judaism and Christianity have been in the same position Islam finds itself today; it too preached war and destruction.

The Old Testament is filled with violence and calls for violence. The Old Testament God was a very violent God and prescribed death for many transgressions which in today’s world, we would find absurd.

Yet, even though many faithful still consider the Bible as the true word of God and some in a most literal sense, many have learned to take the violence found in the Old Testament with a grain of salt meaning that they recognize that the days of the Old Testament were from a totally different culture and historical setting.

The Jewish and Christian religions have gone through many reforms or reformations throughout their history to arrive at this point in the present manifestation of the religion; Islam has not.

Christians and Jews never denied that words of violence exist in their sacred texts; they just chose to look at them in a different way.

The Muslim religion has undergone some changes or better yet, additions throughout the ages especially in the stories outside the Quran like the HADITHS which eventually formed the rules of SHARIAH LAW.

The problem here is that these so called “rules” were written many, many years ago and just like the Old Testament stories, were written by people from a different age, different culture who looked at things in a very different way than we do today.

The author, Ayaan Ali feels that Islam must reform to be accepted into the modern world and she offers a point by point way that this can be accomplished. 

Well, that is just not going to happen since the Islamic terrorists use the “sacred” words in their religion to justify their terrorism and the millions of poor and uneducated Muslims, who have been brainwashed from birth to believe that their God demands this type of violent behavior, will never allow someone to challenge their belief system.

Muslims in the West and especially those in the United States, take pains to tell us that Islam is a religion of “PEACE” even though the words in their sacred texts are words of violence.

In fact, many mosques here in Canton, Michigan where I live have many regular “open houses” or “coffees” open to non-Muslims for the purpose of interacting with the community and answer any questions that those in the community have about the Muslim religion.

They do this as a means of showing that they are true Americans and that their religion can absolutely co-exist within the American community of religions and non-religions. I will try to attend one this week to see what I can learn.

I want to see how they explain the violent language in their sacred texts and how do they explain the actions of the terrorists who use the same sacred texts to justify their terrorism.

I think the reformation of Islam needs merely to treat the violent language in their sacred texts with a modern understanding of why that language was used and why it does not apply to our world today.

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