Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Trying to understand Trump support...

The political discussions among family members and friends must be getting pretty interesting at this stage of the game; I know they are in my circle.

Everyone admits that they have never seen an election season such as this one. I love listening to all the so called experts try to analyze what is going on and why while admitting that all their expertise failed them to even see this coming.

Trump’s primary victory was partly based on the failure of the primary system and mostly on his unique and new use of populist and reality show rhetoric (bullshit) to win over primary voters (who were Republicans, Democrats and Independents) voting as cross-over voters.

Some reality shows are all about winning and to win you need to destroy or defeat your opponents by any means possible and that is exactly what Trump did.

What interests me the most is how and why his populist rhetoric is resonating so much with certain people and I mean a lot of people some of whom happen to be my family members and friends.

I am perplexed by the fact that Trump really does not stand firmly for any ideas and/or principles but constantly flip-flops on practically all issues. When asking people I know why they will vote for Trump, I get a lot of different answers which makes me think that people will believe about Trump what they feel like believing or what they make themselves believe because that is what they want to believe.

People watch FOX News because FOX News reports the news the way they want the news to read and not be bothered by facts; they hear Trump say what they want him to say even though he is not saying anything.

I guess what attracts all these people to Trump is his bravado, his confidence in all matters and his answers to all problems…don’t worry, I will take care of it!

What does this say about his supporters? Some are calling them plain stupid for reacting to populist sound bites from a clown who really has no answers just promises.

I think Trump has tapped into disgust among Americans towards our ineffective political system in Washington and a genuine disgust with politicians in general, who make it ineffective. These people have also had it with political correctness at all levels of society and don’t want the tail (minorities) wagging the dog (majority).

They want a dictator albeit a benevolent dictator to cut through the crap and get things done and make the nation and its people great again…whatever that means.

If Trump picks someone for his vice-president with political experience and knowledge making up for Trump’s lack of both, then I think Trump has a good chance of winning the election and then what…

More on Hillary, Bernie and a Trump win later.

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