Thursday, August 25, 2016

Saw the movie BEN HUR 2016...

I went to see the movie BEN HUR 2016, a remake of the 1959 classic which was a remake of a 1929 silent classic. The movies were based on an 1880 novel by Lew Wallace called: BEN HUR: A TALE OF THE CHRIST. The novel was a huge success in its day even getting blessed by Pope Leo XIII.

Yes, Jesus does play a role in these movies but he is not the main man or even the main story BUT the religiously biased producers did try to inject their religiosity into the movie at every turn which was annoying.

It is hard to review a remake especially when you have seen the original and cannot help but compare the two.

I did not like this movie mainly because it disappointed me; my expectations were just too high.

The story was disjointed and characters were not developed sufficiently enough for us to care about any of them, especially the women.

What makes a movie great is obviously a compelling story with a hero and a really bad, bad guy; in this movie the bad guy was someone you felt sorry for; his evilness was compromised.

There were no romantic interests and after a while I could not tell one woman from another.

The main character Judah Ben Hur was played by an actor who I remember very well from his role in Boardwalk Empire; I kept seeing him in that role throughout the movie because he sounded just like that character he played in Boardwalk Empire.

The chariot race was well done but since the hatred between the two rivals was compromised, it was just a race.

The ending also sucked because it was a feel good ending, a kumbaya moment, instead of a satisfying ending where good won out over evil. The song at the closing was just stupid and totally did not fit the story line.

The fact that this movie bombed right out of the gate has me puzzled. I though the subject matter as well as the historic era (Roman) would have attracted at least a crowd to the first showing after which word of mouth would have killed it; but it did not. Is it just me and my wife that love a good Biblical type story? I noticed that most people watching the movie with us were old.

Oh well, they blew way over $100 million in making the movie and in the first weekend it made a paltry $11 million and came in 5th even behind The Weiner (sausage) Story.

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