Saturday, September 10, 2005


The FDA has been debating whether to approve the morning after pill called PLAN B for over-the-counter sale. This is a contraceptive that if taken the morning after unprotected sex, would prevent pregnancy.

The pill has passed all scientific and medical scrutiny and was deemed safe for use by women that found themselves in situations where the pill would be appropriate - it has been available in Europe for some time now.

The FDA, obviously pressured by Bush, postponed their decision indefinitely, basically blocking the pill from coming to the U.S. market. Bush feels that taking the pill is a form of abortion.

A leading scientist on the FDA commission voting on the pill issue, quit in disgust saying that politics and religion are entering the medical field and I agree.

I support making the FDA a private agency staffed with professionals who will use only scientific data to make decisions about the efficacy of medications and their appropriateness for public use.

Whether you are for or against CHOICE (the law of the land) you cannot in all intellectual honesty abide by a politician making medical and privacy decisions for you.

If you have unprotected sex and many of us no matter how careful, have - WE have the right to prevent any resulting pregnancy, IF THAT IS OUR DECISION and if a safe and effective means of doing that exists.

Would the religious zealots rather we wait for the pregnancy to proceed and then have an abortion? I guess I should not try to use logic because this whole situation is without logic - that is the problem.

The Republicans are all about LESS government and LESS intrusion into citizens' lives BUT NOT THIS REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT. These are not true republicans but religious fanatics hell bent on forcing their views on all of us by controlling the way we live our lives.

Even normal republicans have got to be scared of Bush and his people.

My only hope is that Bush has fucked the country up so badly that the next Republican nominee for President will have to distance himself from Bush and drift more towards the center, where most Americans are. Democrats have to seek the same center if they want to regain power - being far Left or Right is not going to work anymore.


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