Thursday, September 15, 2005


This morning's newspapers contained articles and letters to the editor about the battle for Mayor of Detroit and the role of RACE in that battle.

For all I knew, both candidates for mayor were black. Today I read that Freeman Hendrix actually had a white mother from Austria. She apparently married Freeman's father, who is black, and who was a soldier in Europe during WWII where he met and married Freeman's mother.

Well now, that makes Freeman Hendrix not 100% black like Kilpatrick and the Kilpatrick camp are making hay with that fact.

Black Baptist ministers in Detroit have endorsed Kilpatrick even though he is a total fuckup as mayor and is using the city as his own personal bank. Why?

In my previous post about why Detroit does not work and will not work, I pointed out that mayors tend to appoint their political supporters to jobs that they are totally unqualified for. For this reason the government of Detroit is run by totally incompetent assholes.

More than incompetent, these appointees also have to be black, which does not have anything to do with African-Americans in general, there are plenty of competent blacks that can fill administrative positions in the City of Detroit. The competent blacks have left Detroit long ago because they were smart enough to figure out that they had no future in this city because the city was never going to get better.

Why the Baptist ministers endorsed Kilpatrick is hard to fathom knowing that Kilpatrick is BAD for the city and its inhabitants BUT Kilpatrick is good to the ministers. He hires their parishioners, listens to their council - in other words, he does not let the white man into city government and therefore keeps Detroit in the hands of the black man.

Feeman Hendrix had a white mother so he is 50% white and therefore must work for the bad white man that is itching to take over this piece of shit city.

Does anybody care about the citizens of Detroit? The children of Detroit who do not get an education and therefore have no viable future?

Is it all about race and one's blackness and nothing about competence and a bright future?

For this reason many Michiganians who are Detroiters at heart, have given up hope on Detroit and I can see why.

I am not sure if Freeman Hendrix can turn things around but Kilpatrick has proven that he does not have a chance at all.

Will the black citizens of Detroit elect Kilpatrick because he is 100% black and will keep the white man out but will oversee the eventual death of the city OR will they vote for a 50% black who will AT LEAST TRY to turn the city of Detroit around?

It is up to the electorate and my confidence is low - maybe they will surprise me - let us hope.


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