Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Well, well, well. We really hoped Detroiter's had more sense but alas it turned out not to be. Well let us analyze this whole election campaign and see what went wrong for poor Hendrix.

I guess one can always say that this was a squeaker, basically 50/50 so not all Detroiters are total idiots; just a slight majority. In all fairness, we have to limit the idiot label to only the actual voters.

Freeman Hendrix had a sizeable lead going into the election. He started dropping at the end and registered a dead heat on election day - why.

Ole Kwame is part of a political family. Their plans for him are huge and they will not allow him to lose a mayoral race when they want him to climb the political ladder (president?). They obviously hired some smart dudes that knew exactly what needed to be done.

The facts were in on Kwame; incompetent, party boy, corrupt..................all the traits that endear him to the younger blacks. Add the fact that the white establishment is picking on him and you give him an actual edge.

The Detroit media mercilessly revealed every flaw in the man, detail by detail. They had solid proof for every transgression. In response he published a "lynching photo of a black from the bad ole days of the South" and said the media is trying to lynch him just like the Southern whites lynched blacks in days gone by; a brilliant move!

He also pointed out that Hendrix is only half black / half white which means he works for the whites and will give city jobs to whites . Kilpatrick even got the black Baptist Pastors of Detroit to believe that they will somehow lose political clout in city matters when Hendrix wins even though Hendrix belongs to a prominent black Baptist church. The pastors urged their flocks, under penalty of eternal damnation, not to vote for Hendrix.

A TV clip that ran near the end depicted Hendrix having a big black female protestor thrown out of a school Board meeting - the message was that he did not care if Detroiters controlled their own school system - let the whites in State government do it. The facts are that this particular woman was disrupting all school board meetings and not allowing school business to be conducted . She was a major pain in the ass and he did the right thing but that is not what Detroiters saw - they saw what Kilpatrick wanted them to see.

Kwame then went after the young who probably never voted but did this time. He basically represented himself as the black man that made it out of the ghetto (which he was never in) - by the way, this group also includes pimps and drug dealers. Group members dress well, eat well, have many women, wild parties, lots of money and stick it to the establishment / read white man, every chance they get. Young blacks don't care that he is royally screwing Detroit and Detroiters - he looks like a cool dude and acts like a cool dude and therefore should be re- elected.

It is quite obvious that Kwame played dirty politics as well as the race card but he played it against his own people. He appealed to a segment of the black population that still holds basic black stereotypical instincts that normal blacks have long abandoned as backward and down right stupid. These people don't trust anyone that is not just like them; plain ole niggers and Kilpatrick portrayed himself as just that and he portrayed Hendrix as just the opposite.

Kilpatrick's people did their homework and they won to the detriment of the city and its people. Polls say many Detroiters are ready to leave the city. That number will increase now as any hope the city could recover under new leadership has gone. The last person leaving Detroit, please shut off the light and close the door.


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