Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Sunday, March 12, 2006

To:     The Detroit Free Press
Re:     “Dear anti-gay Bible literalist: Turn the page on your outrage”, March 12.

The piece by Leonard Pitts, Jr., “Dear anti-gay Bible literalist: Turn the page on your outrage”, March 12 sent a much needed message to those Christians that justify their homophobia through the Bible.

I would also like to point out that recent scientific studies of women that gave birth to multiple homosexual sons have discovered specific gene formations that differ from those of mothers that have heterosexual sons. These studies add more proof to the belief that homosexuals are born that way and not simply choose the gay life. If that is the case, then homosexuals are natural creations of God just like heterosexuals and deserve to be treated as such.

Janusz M Szyszko

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