Friday, June 16, 2006


In my previous blog about Republicans trying to divert our attention from the shitty job they are doing for us and this country, will again bring up hot-button, emotional issues in the hope Americans will somehow forget reality. This has worked for them in the past and they expect to work for them again. We will see in November when Americans actually have an opinion that counts – elections.

Recently they brought up the Gay Marriage issue and tried to change our Constitution to prohibit Gay Marriage. It failed but they hope voters will remember where they stand on this very important issue.

Today it is another “Constitutional Amendment”, this time a ban against burning our flag; another vital, very important issue that has to be addressed or the country will collapse.

Newspapers tell us that this time, they have been bringing this issue up every year; they have a chance of passing it out of the Senate (even if by one vote).

Some Democrats fear that if they vote against it they may be perceived as unpatriotic or somehow un-American and I can see why they have this fear. Our Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow feels the heat since she is up for elections this November so she will vote to amend our Constitution but maybe she actually believes it is needed – well I am starting to think less and less of her and not only because of her stance on this issue.

The issue is nothing if not EMOTIONAL. Obviously, no red-blooded American likes to see his flag burned. Hell, we have strict rules about how the flag can be displayed and even folded. When you burn our flag you burn us as a people, as a nation and that makes us feel very bad.

But basically and realistically the issue is a BULLSHIT issue being used by Republicans for political purposes. It is bullshit because the flag is not burned on a daily basis. In fact, I don’t remember the last time our flag was burned in the United States period – maybe during the Vietnam protests? Yes, it is burned overseas on a regular basis by whoever is against us but this Constitutional Amendment cannot stop them!


Another objection I have to this issue even being discussed is the fact that it is messing with our CONSTITUTION. I happen, as an American and history nut, to value this document. It has served us well over the years even though MORONS from time to time, try to change it for dubious reasons. I am not saying the Constitution should never have been changed or needs to be changed in the future. Certain Amendments were obviously needed but “Prohibition” – give me a bloody break and this is in the same category of totally worthless and stupid.

Another objection is more about reason and common sense. If this country is all about freedom including freedom of speech and expression, what the hell are you doing by prohibiting the burning of the flag as a form of free speech and free expression; you are a hypocrite, a liar and this country is not really based on principles of freedom!

I do not want to disparage the people that want an amendment banning the burning of our flag because I understand the deep emotions associated with that act BUT there comes a time when you have got to use your brains and realize that this is NOT an issue we should be even talking about. It has NO meaning and will not affect diddly-shit and is just a Republican ploy to get votes BUT is speaks volumes about the mentality of people in this country (I guess I am disparaging) and the ease with which they can be manipulated.


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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...