Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Religious matters just cannot leave me alone – they keep popping out screaming for comments!

The Vatican is considering changing their centuries old view that babies that die before they are baptized go to “limbo” or as I was taught “purgatory” which is a place between heaven and hell – but neither.

In general, not a good place to be but I suppose preferable to hell. You were basically stuck forever – imagine!

Martin Luther started the Protestant revolution based in part on the practice by Catholic clerics of selling indulgences – pay me to get your mother out of purgatory – or I guess, your un-baptized deceased baby.

Some clerics were quoted in my paper as saying this is really a non-issue and I want to say as loudly as possible – SORRY, BUT YOUR NOT GETTING OFF SO EASILY.

My parents plotted on kidnapping (so to speak) my children to take them and get them secretly baptized because they could not bear the thought of them in purgatory if something (god forbid) happened to them and they died before getting baptized.

For centuries, people agonized because of this; all the way till now and the Church wants to just say oops, we made a tiny error in thinking.

People believe the Church speaks for God. They actually think the Catholic Church knows what God thinks and wants. The Church has made these people believe this and now after centuries, they want to say they misunderstood God?

I want the Church to admit to all those billions of faithful that they have NO idea what God thinks or even that He exists; they only believe they do.

I want them to do penance for the zillions they have deceived throughout the centuries and I want them to apologize to my parents for putting them through all this unnecessary bullshit (of course I let them baptize my kids – if it meant so much to them – could I stand against it – it meant nothing to me but so much to them, even though we now know it was all a lie).


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