Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Tuesday, July 03, 2007
To: The Detroit Free Press
Re: “Make justice racially fair”, July 2.

In your editorial “Make justice racially fair”, July 2, I agree with you that the prison population in Michigan is disproportionately black and that is and should be totally unacceptable to the black community but I question your suggestions for easing that disparity.

Your plan to get more blacks on juries by including ex-felons, among other suggestions, implies that blacks and especially blacks that are also ex-felons are less likely to convict fellow blacks thereby sending fewer blacks to prison. On the other side, your plan can also be understood as implying that whites on juries are somehow less fair to black defendants.

Although I strongly support jury diversity I feel your efforts would be better spent on trying to prevent blacks from committing criminal acts in the first place and not concentrating on getting them off after the fact.

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