Sunday, October 21, 2007

Select a Candidate 2008

Select a Candidate 2008

I took this "candidate" test to see who agrees with my views the most. The test asks your opinion on key issues and lets you rate those views as to importance. My friend that sent me the link said I would be surprised.

Well I was. Joe Biden agrees with me the most but he disagrees with me on key issues and this is where the "importance" rating is key. Health Care is huge for me since my business depends on a private system. Socialized medicine would destroy health care businesses like mine because it would create a health monopoly where only a few large companies would dominate. So based on this single I could not support him plus he does not have a chance.

Believe it or not, (2) John McCain comes next but where he disagrees with me is also huge; the Iraq war. he has no plans just the idiotic "stay the course" - no way!

3. Mitt Romney?

4. Rudy Giuliani

5. Hillary Clinton

6. Bill Richardson

7. Barak Obama

8. Mike Gravel - who?

9. Ron Paul - I thought he would agree with many of my views but we differ on many.

10. Chris Dodd

11. John Edwards - I knew he did not represent me - socialist pig!

12. Dennis Kucinich

13. Jim Gilmore - who?

14. Fred Thompson

15. Duncan Hunter - who are these guys?

16. Sam Brownback

17. Tom Tancredo

18. Mike Huckabee - only agrees with me on three (3) issues: Health Care, Line-Item Veto and the Death Penalty.

If I took the top five (5) people that I agree with the most three (3) are Republican and two (2) are Democrats. I will retake the test and this time pay more attention to the importance rating.

*******************On my second try with more attention to importance of specific issues I came up with the same top five (5) but in a different order with 1. Giuliani, 2. Romney, 3. McCain, 4. Biden and 5. Hillary Clinton.

They all disagree with me on Iraq but the Republicans agree with me on health care whereas the Democrats do not.

This election will be between Hillary and Giuliani and I am going to have to do some soul searching.

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...