Saturday, July 12, 2008
To: The Detroit News
Re: “Make it easier to form union”, July 11.
The News has a columns section where two sides to an issue are presented. Why does the News not have an opposing view with the Labor Voices column? This omission allows unionists like James Hoffa to spot their unionist drivel without immediate challenge.
The Employee Free Choice Act is anything but. Hoffa wants to throw out secret ballot elections by workers of whether to unionize or not and replace them with a “card checks” program where union thugs can intimidate workers into signing a union card. Once a majority of workers sign, the union is in. Private ballot elections are a fundamental right in our American Democracy but because the union usually fails in such elections; it wants to go to a method where they can make sure they won’t fail – where is the outrage!
To: The Detroit News
Re: “Make it easier to form union”, July 11.
The News has a columns section where two sides to an issue are presented. Why does the News not have an opposing view with the Labor Voices column? This omission allows unionists like James Hoffa to spot their unionist drivel without immediate challenge.
The Employee Free Choice Act is anything but. Hoffa wants to throw out secret ballot elections by workers of whether to unionize or not and replace them with a “card checks” program where union thugs can intimidate workers into signing a union card. Once a majority of workers sign, the union is in. Private ballot elections are a fundamental right in our American Democracy but because the union usually fails in such elections; it wants to go to a method where they can make sure they won’t fail – where is the outrage!
The News is doing the Michigan community and economy a disservice by allowing union propaganda to stand alone and go un-challenged on the same page; letters to the editor do not carry the same weight and immediacy of response as an opposing column would.
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