Friday, November 07, 2008


It seems I am getting into a lot of Catholic issues all of a sudden.

Remember when I mentioned that a Catholic mass I had to attend (my father’s death anniversary) and how I said that the religious ceremony (mass) was so mind numbing that only brain dead people could attend every Sunday.

Well, this morning’s paper carried a lengthy article about Catholics that feel just like what I felt when I attended a mass. Here is what is more amazing, these people were not liberal Catholics but actually super conservative Catholics – what does that mean?

The article titled “Real catholic TV offers religion with edge” in the Detroit Free Press, Nov. 3, described a new “web-only” TV station produced in Ferndale, Michigan and found at:

The main guy behind this effort is Michael Voris (47) who is very adamant about the fact that many Catholics and especially, catholic youths are leaving the faith in droves because it is so boring and lacks a relevant message. He blames it all on old people who control the Church and are unwilling to change anything to make it more exiting and appealing to young people.

Don’t get me wrong, Voris is not trying to reform the stale and unprogressive teachings of the Church; no he wants to present the age old teachings and beliefs in a new and hopefully, more exiting way.

I feel that Catholics are starting to feel jealous about all those mega-churches that attract thousands mainly because they have a message for them as individuals instead of repeating the same ole physical movements at mass, Sunday after Sunday after Sunday…

That was my point exactly and I am glad someone else is seeing what I am seeing but Mr. Voris is correct in believing that “The beauty and truth of the Catholic faith has been denied this generation by an older generation…of hedonistic, immoral egomaniacs with no moral compass”. That is pretty strong language but the Catholic Church has heard this stuff for thousands of years and it still muddles on and on and on…and prides itself for lasting this long.

I am in the midst of a new learning DVD course about religion that is not “about” religion but studies how the subject of religion among peoples has been studied. I have always studied the theology of a religion, how it started, how it developed and why but this new course is about why does religion exist and why do people desire religion.

This article about Catholics trying to change how their religion delivers its message is exactly what this course is about; what humans need out of their religion.

This is a big deviation from the old secularist campaign to show how religion is absurd and just superstition and cannot ever be justified by reason or science. This new approach admits that religion is a human construct because it is a human necessity and will not be negated in our society by convincing people it cannot possibly be real or in anyway true. More on this later but it has got me exited about a new approach to why is there religion.

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