Friday, December 26, 2008


I realize Bush and Chaney are leaving office soon but I just can’t help myself and need to point out what true assholes and idiots these men were and are but I am coming around to seeing Bush as a well meaning, naïve fellow who just did what he was told to. Chaney on the other hand is a smart, sane and flaming asshole.

They are giving their “last” interviews where they are usually asked questions about how they think they did, what they would have done differently and if they regret any specific things they did.

Well Dick Chaney when told that most Americans now believe that they were misled on purpose about Iraq and were basically duped into agreeing to the Iraq War said “SO”?

Did you get that – SO? Bush followed suite and used the same answer in his interviews. Can you believe this? They are not even trying to defend their actions by lying, they just say SO or even better SO WHAT?

I just want to remind all my Bush loving and supporting friends that they were taken for a ride and so did the whole country. They tried to democratize the Middle East by invading Iraq under false pretenses and they failed big time and now they just say SO WHAT?

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