Tuesday, December 30, 2008

FAITH & SCIENCE: Vatican against science?

Let’s get a few more Vatican / Catholic issues into the old year.

The Vatican has just issued a pronouncement titled DIGNITAS PERSONAE “The Dignity of a Person”. The document outlines the Church’s position against all things “embryonic” which means they are against in vitro fertilization, freezing unfertilized eggs, stem cell research and testing embryos to identify possible defects.

This is kind of ironic given the previous blog about the Vatican and Galileo or faith and reason also called theology and science.

I have delved into the stem cell research issue a number of times before and how a majority of American Catholics support it as they also support the freedom to choose contraception methods, which the Church also opposes.

I guess it is hard to take the Vatican seriously when the same Vatican, to this day, condemns the use of condoms for any reason even though it may help prevent AIDS.

The Vatican says that we are starting to come perilously close to “playing God” and it is here we have to take a stand. Our scientific progress has taken us to new heights of understanding how our world and our bodies work. These new discoveries hold enormous promise to combat disease and other afflictions that wreak havoc in our world.

The Pope tells us that faith and science can work hand in hand, but it still reserves the right to tell science where to go and where not to go and that to me, is not working hand in hand.

We have learned from Copernicus and Galileo that science and scientists can never allow the dictates of their faith to somehow influence their research. Don’t get me wrong, some scientists can be and many are, very religious but their work must be guided by pure scientific rules or else their work will be compromised.

The Vatican itself is “playing God” by trying to convince us that they somehow are spokesmen for God and that is plain superstitious nonsense and has been from the start. Even more disconcerting is that these old men in Rome appear not to believe in basic logic but issue proclamations that defy common sense.

I will admit to a small nagging feeling I have about scientific progress. I have always believed that old commercial where Mother Nature says “it’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature” or something like that. Nature has been evolving for billions of years and natural phenomenon like tsunamis, disease, flood, fires and yes, even wars, may have a purpose. If we eradicate all “bad” things; are we fooling with Mother Nature and maybe even creating a bigger monster? Just some thoughts at large…

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