Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I bet many of you are as tired of the whole Michael Jackson saga as I am. I can’t even get any news on TV anymore; everything is Jackson, Jackson and Jackson.

I don’t deny him his due since he was an international mega star and was genuinely talented but he was also a little weird.

I don’t have any of his music but I must admit that I remember the first time I heard “Billy Jean” and immediately fell in love with the song. I did not know who sang it at the time but I knew I had not heard anything as good as that song for a long time. I am usually a Hard Rock, Classical Baroque, Operatic Arias and Smooth Jazz type of guy.

One thing about Jackson that has always fascinated me was his quest for “whiteness”; he went from a normal black male to an abnormal, white, something or other. Quincy Jones remarked that Michael obviously did not want to be black but did not think the singer had VITILIGO.

For you who don’t know, Vitiligo is a skin condition where certain patches / areas of skin do not have any “pigment” which means they are white. These patches also have no natural sun protection and can be severely burned if not protected from the sun. I know all about this because I have the condition myself.

My patches are mainly on my hands and I have had them since childhood. I have been lucky that these patches have not spread and remain confined to my hands. For me, in winter, when my skin is pale and white, the patches are basically invisible. In the summer, when I tan, the patches definitely stand out. Imagine if you were black to begin with and the patches were all over your body. I have seen black people with Vitiligo and it is not a pretty sight.

If Jackson really had this condition, I could see where he would either wear makeup to appear totally black all over as many blacks do or in a strange twist, could wear makeup that made the rest of his skin match the white patches which he apparently did?

Could this skin condition have provoked him to “turn white” totally including hair, lips, eyes and especially, nose? Why did he have white children and white wives and consorts? This I don’t know and can only speculate that he went a little loony.

As far as his predilection for “children” to “sleep” with, I feel he was basically a damaged kid himself and never grew up. He was used and abused by a father that made a lot of money from his kids. I think he thought himself to be a child and enjoyed sleep-overs, not of the sexual kind. That aberrant behavior was ripe for opportunists (kid’s mothers) to make some big money to keep everything hush-hush.

Overall, he was a very talented individual that was also a very sad and unfulfilled individual that was used and abused by many. He leaves a great musical legacy for all time and a lot of unanswered questions. I see his family fighting over the scraps he left behind as did the family of Dr. Martin Luther King (to this day).

Rest in peace Michael and maybe now, we can all get back to normal.

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