Sunday, April 11, 2010

POLITICS: Stupak calls it quits?

I know I have been hard on Bart Stupak, a fellow Pole and fellow Michigander for obstructing the health care bill with his stupid anti-abortion stance, but to make him quit after all these years in Congress?

Well, obviously it was not me that made him quit but more ominously, was it the Tea Party and its fringe of lunatics? Stupak says it is not and has been thinking of leaving for some time now.

I don’t know if I believe him. The idiots on the Right have threatened politicians and their families, who voted for the health bill; some have actually been arrested – can you even believe it?

The Stupak case is doubly interesting because it is so IRONIC. He stalled the health bill due to lack of specific anti-abortion language (no federal money for abortions) and he is being hounded by anti-abortion nut cases?

So this good Catholic who took an anti-abortion stance even though pressure against him was fierce, is being demonized by anti-abortion forces for eventually signing the health bill? It makes no sense to me but there was an organized drive to protest against him in his Congressional district to drive him out of office – and they succeeded with just the threat and no actual protests.

This is what I mentioned before as being scary; when these idiots actually influence and cause things to change for their benefit. The loss of Stupak is bad for Michigan because his 18 years in Congress gave him seniority and power which he could use for the benefit of Michiganians. Yes, I wanted him out of office because I was mad at his obstinacy but now I am afraid that the person replacing him may be a flaming Tea Bagger!

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