Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Wow, what about all the hubbub about burning Korans / Qurans in Gainesville, Florida?

Here is Terry Jones who has barely any parishioners in his church, on the news channels worldwide and potentially inciting rioting all over the world because he has decided that a passage in the biblical book of ACTS, calls for the burning of Korans?

We all know that you can find justification in the Bible for about anything you want so that’s not a big deal but the fact that he wants to do this is why? He needs more parishioners, more money, likes being on the news, is a total Looney bird in need of treatment?

He has every right to burn books as long as the fire codes allow it. I have railed in the past about cartoons depicting Mohammad that led to riots as an over-reaction by Muslims; I defended the right to print those cartoons and decried officials trying to assuage Muslims by banning their publication.

The fact that this twit has garnered all this world attention is problematic and in some way, mimics the Muhammad cartoons issue; they are just cartoons. Eventually all books, Bibles and Korans, etc. get old and need to be burned or disposed of.

Americans hate when people burn our flag but the Supreme Court established the act of burning as a free expression right and I agree with them. Burning Korans is symbolic and a free expression right. I suppose Muslims can burn Bibles but I don’t think Christians would get all bent out of shape about that; they would just print more Bibles and I think here lies the problem. Muslims feel a need or even an obligation to somehow defend their God, Prophet and religion against people that they feel defile or insult them and they take this to absurd levels; remember Salman Rushdie and his book?

The fact that all these high officials are publicly repudiating Jones just leads to more attention for Jones. We have blown this issue way out of proportion and really, it is a media issue since no one gave a shit about Jones until the media got a hold of the story.

I had enough with the mosque issue but now this…

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