Monday, September 20, 2010

TEA PARTY: Are they the answer...

I have been reading a lot about the so called TEA PARTY movement to kind of gauge what, if any, influence the party may have on the November elections.

It is no secret that most of us are fed up with our government and our political parties and there is a general mood among voters to basically throw the incumbent bums out and replace them with someone new and fresh and not tied so tightly to their respective party ideologies.

Tea Party candidates that are receiving financial help from unknown sources present a quandary. They are new, inexperienced and hold a variety of political views. They run as Republicans in primaries against established Republicans who they deem to have lost their Republican core beliefs; small government, no new taxes and cut spending to a bare minimum.

Karl Rove, the Republican guru is livid. He feels these Tea Party upstarts are ruining the political plying field for “real” Republicans. He called Christine O’Donnell who defeated an older, established Republican running for his senate seat in Delaware, a loony and if you heard her talk, you would agree with that characterization. Hey, Sarah Palin supports these people so that should tell you a lot about their character.

Democrats feel the Tea Party is good for them because they make easy targets in November but I am not so sure; they resonate with a lot of people that are exited about the upcoming elections and want a real change and they WILL vote.

Right now, the Tea Partiers are all about the economy. They follow Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992), an Austrian born economist that championed the free market and capitalism against socialism and the policies of John Maynard Keynes who favored massive government intervention in a nation’s economy.

I can go along with that but underneath the economic positions they hold lies a pretty solid conservative social agenda and this is where I would have some issues.

I have just noticed that Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, a nominal Republican, is positioning himself for a possible run for the presidency in 2012 as a moderate willing to back both Democratic and Republican moderates as opposed to extremists on either side; I could back a person like that!

Maybe more people should run as independents or maybe a third party should come into being. I guess what I am saying is that I am sick of both Democrats who can’t get their shit together or the Republicans that have no plans of their own but just say NO to everything and I am looking for something else but I am pretty sure the Tea Party candidates are not the answer…

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1 comment:

  1. Tea Party racists are really the last hurrah for our White dominated society in the US. The US is made up of a Rainbow of colors, not just white. Growing up in Detroit gave us a good multi-cultural experience, but I see that since the election of Obama, white supremeism has reared its ugly head. It is especially prevalent in the God people of this country, and many are older whites of the so called "greatest generation". Many are like Sarah Palin, who has lived a charmed white life but she is a passing fad at best. She mentions the constitution and other documents a lot, but does not mention that the white signers of those documents all "owned" black slaves, and also note that women of any color had no rights, no freedom then.



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