Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am sorry that I have to keep returning to the Vatican pedophile issue but it just will not go away or better yet, the Vatican together with its bishops and cardinals throughout the world will not let the issue go away by constantly defending and even deflecting their guilt. I, for one, cannot let their absurdist pronouncements go unchallenged and will at every turn, point out how absolutely ludicrous their positions are which in turn, points to how absolutely low the Catholic Church’s credibility, in all realms, has fallen.

The latest absurdity comes from Mexico and Bishop Felipe Arizmendi, bishop of the San Cristobal de las Casas Diocese in Chiapas State, Mexico.

The bishop sought to blame the priestly pedophile problem on the country’s public-school sex education program. His words, “In the midst of the invasion of so much eroticism, it is not easy to remain faithful in celibacy or in respecting children”.

More words, “When there is generalized sexual licentiousness, it is more common to have pederasty”. For those who don’t know, pederasty is anal sex between an adult male and a boy.

In essence, he is saying that the public-school sex education program creates a milieu that makes it hard for priests to keep their celibacy vows?

I hope you are getting the gist of what this bishop is trying to say in a speech to a convention of bishops. He is saying that because of the public school program, it is NOT EASY for priests to resist having anal sex with young boys so they should not be blamed if they stray into the forbidden.

What about the greater majority of males in this world who are never tempted by pederasty or who are not pedophiles? Most men are normal but it is becoming very apparent that many priests are not normal men which give credence to the proposition that the priesthood is a magnet for abnormal men.

For the bishop to try to blame priest’s proclivities on a school sex-education program is totally idiotic and as one professional counselor in Mexico said “Those of good conscience in the Church should stop this absurdity and find good help”.

Another said, “Blaming the problems that the Catholic Church has had with priests sexually abusing minors on sex education makes no sense…it borders on the pathetic.”

And that word PATHETIC seems to describe the feeble attempts by the Catholic Church to defend and deflect its collective guilt of child molestation.

I once again call on each country’s justice system(s) to prosecute to the fullest extent, the crimes committed by individual priests as well as the crime of covering up those crimes by the criminals’ superiors.

Friday, April 16, 2010

VATICAN: Homosexuality is not pedophilia - morons!

The Vatican has been mounting a fierce defense of the Pope and of the Church amidst increasing evidence that the Pope and the Church were complicit in allowing priests to practice their pedophilia through a failure to act on their part, quickly and decisively to end such crimes either through Church law or the local criminal justice system.

Recently the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarsisio Bertone, speaking in Chile, blamed or linked priestly pedophilia to homosexuality and not as a result of the Church’s celibacy requirement, defending the Church’s unwavering and totally illogical and unsupportable insistence on priestly celibacy.

This statement raised such an outcry among various groups including gay-rights groups, the Chilean government and the French government, that the Vatican had to clarify that Bertone was not speaking as an expert or a professional in psychiatry, psychology or medical matters but merely referring to some studies he had read that link homosexuality and pedophilia.

Here is where the Vatican’s incompetence in all things earthly or human really shines through. Just think, these are the guys that claim the moral and ethical authority in all things earthly as coming from God himself and here they are, stupid as dirt, making stupid statements that show off their ignorance for the world to see. But will Catholics see the light? Catholics have been conditioned for thousands of years to just do as they were told and not to use their brains to independently think things through. I was on track to become one of those robots as some of my friends did but I was saved by some rebellious brain cells I possessed which pulled me out of the hole I was sinking into – and here I am!

Just to be clear. Pedophilia is a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Pedophiles are usually men, attracted to prepubescent boys; homosexuals are attracted to other members of their gender, homosexuals are not known to be pedophiles.

Homosexuals and pedophiles are drawn to the priesthood; homosexuals because they will be among other men (priests) who hopefully are also homosexuals and many are. They don’t have to explain why they don’t like females; they are forbidden to engage females through their vows of celibacy.

Pedophiles are attracted to the priesthood because they will be among children who revere them as people very close to God who will teach them right from wrong and help them become good and righteous members of our society. The pedophile priests have it easy as the prey is convinced that people of God would never harm them so what they are doing must be sanctioned by God.

Celibacy, a vow to forgo all sexual relations (intercourse) and therefore marriage cannot be something healthy heterosexuals want to deal with or experience no matter how strong the perceived calling from God. In fact, many priest, enraptured by the priestly vocation as a mixed up teenager realize their mistake once they gain some adult wisdom and experience and many leave the priesthood even though they would stay if the vow of celibacy was lifted.

My point today is that members of the Vatican including the Pope are clueless about the real world and the people that inhabit that world and yet they profess to speak from some higher ground of wisdom; a wisdom they derive from God and all I am saying is that this a bunch of nonsense that needs to be exposed by subjecting those holier than thou twits to earthly justice and throwing them in an earthly jail to pay for their sins against humanity and damnn their souls to eternal hell.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

POLITICS: A Civil Republican / Dying Breed?

Another thing I noticed on CNN that went against some of my generalizations about Republicans and Right Wingers.

Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) was at one of those town hall meetings filled with Tea Party types or the lunatic fringe (should not equate all Tea Party members with lunatics since I agree with some of their positions) but I digress…

Anyway, a lady asks a really stupid question about Obama’s Health Care Bill something like am I going to jail if I don’t buy health insurance? Coburn tells her that she has been listening to FOX NEWS too much and that their news reports are made up to incite! Can you believe this guy?

Coburn, who was a strong critic of the Obama Health Care Bill, defended Speaker Pelosi as a nice lady. Amid boos and hisses, he said that you can disagree with someone but that does not mean you have to hate them for disagreeing with you.

He then proceeded to lecture the crowd about CIVILITY.

Now this is what I am talking about as far as political discourse is concerned but is it too late? Are gentlemen politicians like Coburn a dead or dying breed? Is the new political force in this country the FOX NEWS bred lunatic fringe and all new politicians will try to court these lunatics by saying what they want to hear like FOX NEWS does?

I salute Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and hope there are other Republicans like him but I am afraid the reality is that his breed is dying because being a gentleman and intelligent are actually negatives to the lunatic fringe.

IRAN: Helping Iraq stabilize?

I read something about Iran and Iraq in today’s New York Times that went against my thinking. I remarked before that Iran, being all Shiite, would try to help Iraq form an all Shiite government and to further this goal, Iran may actually help to make that happen.

In today’s paper, Iran was quoted as saying that Iraq would be served best if a Shiite / Sunni coalition government was formed; how do you like them apples?

A secular coalition of Shiites and Sunnis actually did win the election by a slim margin showing that Iraqis in general probably support a coalition government but the existing Shiite party in power was not going to recognize the victor and, as I have been suggesting, destabilize the country by not having a government at all and allowing al-Qaeda to run wild through the streets which they are doing right now.

It appears that the Iranians are not all stupid even though most in power are. They see the reality on the ground in Iraq and must have reached a conclusion that a civil war in Iraq would not benefit anyone and would only keep American troops there even longer than planned for…

POLITICS: Stupak calls it quits?

I know I have been hard on Bart Stupak, a fellow Pole and fellow Michigander for obstructing the health care bill with his stupid anti-abortion stance, but to make him quit after all these years in Congress?

Well, obviously it was not me that made him quit but more ominously, was it the Tea Party and its fringe of lunatics? Stupak says it is not and has been thinking of leaving for some time now.

I don’t know if I believe him. The idiots on the Right have threatened politicians and their families, who voted for the health bill; some have actually been arrested – can you even believe it?

The Stupak case is doubly interesting because it is so IRONIC. He stalled the health bill due to lack of specific anti-abortion language (no federal money for abortions) and he is being hounded by anti-abortion nut cases?

So this good Catholic who took an anti-abortion stance even though pressure against him was fierce, is being demonized by anti-abortion forces for eventually signing the health bill? It makes no sense to me but there was an organized drive to protest against him in his Congressional district to drive him out of office – and they succeeded with just the threat and no actual protests.

This is what I mentioned before as being scary; when these idiots actually influence and cause things to change for their benefit. The loss of Stupak is bad for Michigan because his 18 years in Congress gave him seniority and power which he could use for the benefit of Michiganians. Yes, I wanted him out of office because I was mad at his obstinacy but now I am afraid that the person replacing him may be a flaming Tea Bagger!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

POLITICS: Palin on Nuclear Policy?

Many, many issues this week but let me start about the nuclear treaty signed by Obama and Russia and the new nuclear policy outlined by Obama. I think and many if not most experts on nuclear issues agreed with the president that the treaty signed with Russia was excellent and the new nuclear policy declaration was very good and much needed.

The only details that matter are that the US and Russia will not make any new nuclear bombs and will reduce by 30% their existing stockpiles; believe me, we still have enough to blow the world up countless of times.

The other detail is a declaration saying we will not use nuclear weapons against countries that do not have any. Special attention was paid to Iran and North Korea, in essence warning other countries that are thinking of developing nuclear weapons to reconsider for their own benefit.

As soon as the treaty and policy was announced I thought, I wonder what the lunatics on the right are going to do with this.

Predictably, Sarah Palin (2012 candidate for president) immediately stated that Obama is endangering our country by weakening it and is scared to punch someone in the mouth that punched him first (not using nuclear weapons against someone that attacked us with non-nuclear weapons such as biological weapons).

When a reporter told Obama what Palin said, he responded that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense agreed with the policy and they know a little bit more about nuclear policy than Sarah Palin does to which she replied that what does a community organizer know about nuclear policy.

Palin was appearing at a conservative’s convention with other 2012 presidential hopefuls; she had the most support (loud) at the convention for demeaning our president at every turn. I realize that politicians must attack the incumbent to show how they would lead differently but Palin has brought politics down to its lowest point (if that is possible) by not disagreeing on specific issue points but by using provocative sound bites that bring cheers from the morons that idolize her but by themselves, have no meaning like stupid kids calling someone senseless demeaning names.

As I mentioned before, this type of gutter politics reminiscent of a lynch mob mentality is scary if it actually has clout with people (evidenced by FOX NEWS and their growing viewers) and if it actually can cause something to happen like politicians to quit (Stupak) or others to run based on those gutter politics and sane people to join in on the insanity. More on that later…

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

TEA PARTY: Who are you?

Just a quick note about the health care bill protesters or Tea Party members or whoever those bozos are that can’t seem to stop screaming about something they object to. I am now convinced that they scream the same old shit without knowing why they are screaming.

This morning I was watching CNN while exercising and a story came up about Congressional Representatives going out into their districts to help people understand the Health care Bill and what it means to them – brave souls after the previous Town Hall Meetings debacle.

In this case, it was a female Representative that seemed pretty much in control of her meeting. People asked questions and she answered them until it came to one fat-ass blond that proceeded to scream her question. The Representative acknowledged her question and said that she will now answer her question BUT it became obvious that this screaming twit did not ask her question to get an answer; she was there to scream, get on TV and disrupt the meeting just like in the Town Hall days.

The Representative was ready, she said she will answer her question but if she did not quit screaming, she would have her removed for trying to disrupt an important informational meeting that others were attending to learn details about the health care Plan – and she had her ass kicked out! Now that is what I call taking control of your meeting!

I have no problem with people wanting to protest or to ask hard questions about the Health care Plan but I do have a problem with people who’s aim is just to cause mayhem by disrupting a legitimate public forum called together for the good of the public.

I have a feeling that whatever legitimate gripes the TEA PARTY originally had (and I agreed with many of them), their message has been taken over by absolute morons that are racist, homophobic and just plain stupid, basking in the limelight that media affords them on the evening news.

I salute the female representative from Florida and hope the other representatives learn how to handle these jack-asses by throwing them out on their asses and I hope the Tea Party (serious) members can get control of their message and their members – I doubt it…

Thursday, April 01, 2010

VATICAN: Defending the indefensible!

I am amazed at the extensive and consistent media coverage of the Pope and the priestly sex scandal. My Wall Street Journal had two huge articles today with one an opinion piece by an apparently Catholic editorial writer. The New York Times is just full of them and the Vatican is letting the Times know it is not pleased.

One editorial writer says that the media is doing the Vatican a favor by finally exposing the whole sordid cover-up and forcing it to act; something it should have done years and years ago but the Vatican is not seeing it that way. The Vatican is saying that the media is taking the acts of a few priests and making it into an attack on the Papacy as well as the entire Catholic Church.

I think the Vatican is somehow trying to distance itself from the acts of priests in various countries. When victims brought charges against the Vatican saying the Vatican employed the priests that violated them and therefore responsible for the actions of those priests, the Vatican countered that those priests did not work for the Vatican.

Please, please, man up you red-robed shit-heads and accept the responsibility for your failures which allowed child molestation to go on and on while you wallowed in your holy crap! The Vatican has an absolutely dictatorial hold on everything Catholic so please don’t pretend you don’t know what your priests are up to; all of them.

Documented reports to the Vatican from Bishops pleading for help with pedophile priests show how the Vatican and specifically Ratzinger basically ignored those pleas and thus allowing the molestation to go on for years. No, there is nowhere to hide anymore boys and you are now exposed as incompetent nincompoops playing God!

I was happy to see that some Bishops and Cardinals are not waiting for the Pope to fess up but are apologizing to the people and directly to the victims of priestly crimes. I think many of them are sensing that criminal charges can be brought against them in the country or city where the crimes occurred and the Vatican will not be able to protect them as it can itself by claiming national sovereignty. Local clergy are citizens of their locales and subject to the laws of those locales so jail is a distinct possibility.

This is truly a historic time and even my saintly Catholic mother is saying “hang them high…”.


Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...