Wednesday, January 04, 2012

IOWA RESULTS: We don't like any of them...

Ron Paul, member of the United States House of...
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, U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania.
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English: Governor Mitt Romney of MA
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Republican presidential candidates are picture...
Image via Wikipedia

Well the results from Iowa are in and as much derision as I have thrown at the whole Iowa process, the media is still making it into the biggest event in politics so far.

The morning news was all about the results which had Romney ahead of Santorum by 8 votes, that is correct, eight (8) votes. Ron Paul was close by at third and Gingrich was forth. Perry quit and went back to Texas and Bachmann hopefully will also quit and go home to tend her millions of adoptive children.

I found it odd that newscasters were congratulating Romney on the win (?) of the caucus when in fact he lost big time. How? Well he spent over $10 million in Iowa and Santorum just a fraction of that and Santorum basically beat him except for 8 stinkin’ votes.

I have said a long time ago that Romney is a good guy but people just don’t like him and there is nothing he can do about it; he would lose to Obama, no question about it.

Santorum, an Italian Catholic, presented himself as part of the 99% where Romney is the 1%. Santorum’s grandfather may have worked in a mine but his father and mother were in the medical field (clinical psychology) and hardly blue collar but hey, great spin against Romney.

All the Republican candidates ran first in the polls at one time or another, which means Iowans still have not decided who if anybody they like for president of the United States.

Santorum, the current leading star, cannot run for president. He is a Catholic but he is also an extreme social conservative even beyond what his Catholic faith preaches. An example is Intelligent Design vs. evolution; the pope believes in evolution and yet Santorum just can’t. His views on gays, etc. are just too radical for the majority of Americans to stomach so Santorum = flash in the pan = bye-bye.

New Hampshire is next and that vote will be interesting and actually somewhat meaningful because the people voting in that state resemble many voting Americans unlike the people in Iowa.

I am still of the belief that NONE of the candidates is appropriate for the office of president of the United States. I feel that this fact will become very evident in the next few months.

I still feel a dark horse will emerge.  Jon Huntsman, who I think got less than 1% in Iowa, will hopefully stay in the race. Palin may resurrect her political career and so may that fat guy in New Jersey…just wait and see!

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