Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The New Hampshire primary is over and Romney came out definitely ahead in first place followed by Paul in second and HUNTSMAN in third with 17% of the vote.

Listening to “Java Joe in the morning” on MSNBC, some voters that were interviewed after they voted said that they voted for RON Paul to send a message and not because they wanted Paul to win. They wanted his hard Libertarian message about smaller and less government to get through to the public and to the candidates.

To me that means that those voting for Paul for the purpose of sending a message, may have been actual Huntsman voters so I will assume that Huntsman, in reality, probably would have come in second (2nd) after Romney, if not for the message voters.

As predicted, Perry did not even break 1% in New Hampshire and Santorum was booed since no one in this state goes for all that religion twaddle. Gingrich did not do well either.

Perry and Santorum hope to do very well in South Carolina; the next primary, mainly because S. Carolina buys into all that religious twaddle. Here I don’t think Huntsman really has a chance since he does not bullshit on his positions just to get a vote.

Florida is next and I will have to see what the population of Florida is made of. I know a lot of old people live there but are they conservative or maybe a little progressive in their old age. I also don’t know much how the Cubans and Latinos vote.

Will know more later…

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