Wednesday, May 23, 2012



As we all know now, Obama’s healthcare plan mandates that employers provide workers free birth control as part of their health insurance. A well know medical fact is that birth control promotes maternal and child health by allowing women to space their pregnancies.

The Catholic Church, as we all know now, does not give a shit about maternal or child health, all they care about is their “sacred” beliefs supposedly , according to them, passed on from God; most Catholics practice contraception because it is the logical human thing to do.

The Catholic Church had other “sacred” beliefs passed down from God that through time, have become less sacred and eventually abandoned all together. I still remember when eating meat on Friday was such a bad sin. How about cremation; banned because the Church at the time, really believed that all bodies will be resurrected at the end-time and so not having a body in the ground meant you were never resurrected. The Catholic Church quietly let that superstition drop after they could no longer logically and theologically support such nonsense.

How about the ole’ purgatory belief… the Catholic Church made a lot of money selling indulgences to get your grandmother out of jail (purgatory)…only $5 gets her time reduced. How about if a baby dies on its way to baptism, it is forever dammed to hell…really?

What about suicide and the days when those that committed suicide were anathema to the Church and could not get any Catholic services like a burial mass and actual burial in a Catholic cemetery but as witnessed in the deaths of some very Catholic Kennedys, it’s OK now; hell you can disagree with all Church teachings and its OK…now.

The Catholic Church has had many “silly” beliefs they touted as “sacred” in the past and they defended those beliefs as representatives of Jesus on earth and therefore with divine authority to pontificate any which way they wanted.

Contraception is such a benefit to human kind that being against it is somehow anti-human but like I said before, the Church does not really give a shit what benefits contraception provides to mothers and children; it’s all about their current “sacred” beliefs.

Obama has been sensitive to “religious beliefs” and has agreed to accommodate those beliefs by structuring the mandate in such a way that no religious group will have to pay for contraceptive services or provide them directly, it will be all done by insurance companies.

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan said that Obama is trespassing on his First Amendment right of practicing his religion / freedom of religion and no compromise is possible; his way or the highway…

Since the Catholic Church runs hospitals, schools and charities and employs many people who are not all Catholics, it is an EMPLOYER first and a CHURCH second and as such, must obey federal rules mandated on ALL EMPLOYERS unless granted special dispensation by the courts for specifically HOUSES OF WORSHIP…only.

So, as you can see, I have problems with this issue on many levels. First, all employers must obey validly enacted federal legislation that mandates certain practices pertaining to health insurance provided by the employers and that includes Catholic employers.

Second, the Church stance on contraception is stupid and silly and anti-human and no, I do not respect other people’s religious beliefs if they are against human nature and welfare and since most Catholics do not respect the Church’s position on contraception, why should anybody.

Suing the federal government in court costs money and the Church makes, no takes, money from its parishioners and I hope those parishioners make some noise about the Church wasting their hard earned money on issues they themselves do not support!!!

Cardinal Dolan’s plan is to get the issue decided by the ALL CATHOLIC SUPREME COURT but he should not count on a victory there because the United States was founded on a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE and it would be unconstitutional to have the Church interfere in how the country is run…it has worked for us for this long; we are not about to change that constitutional mandate to please some silly-ass cardinal and his “silly-ass” religious beliefs.

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