Sunday, April 28, 2013

ONE BISHOP TO ANOTHER: Clean your house first before you try to clean ours...

In the Thursday, April 25, 2013 Detroit Free Press piece under the Metro Region heading, I found interesting the one titled: EPISCOPAL BISHOP: VIGNERON WRONG ON GAY MARRIAGE.

The Episcopalian bishop is the retired bishop GENE ROBINSON who was the first openly gay man to become a bishop in the U.S. Episcopal Church. Allen Vigneron is the Catholic archbishop of Detroit, Michigan.

Robinson claimed that Catholic leaders like Vigneron “profane the Sacrament” and use communion as a “manipulative tool” when they say that Catholics who support gay marriage should not present themselves for communion.

Robinson continued in his op-ed piece in the Washington Post “On Faith” that “While some are seeking to withhold communion from pro-choice and pro-marriage-equality Catholics…I have not heard no call to withhold communion from priests and bishops who have engaged in horrific sexual abuse against vulnerable children, nor their enablers”.

HERE ROBINSON HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD and what do people like Vigneron, all smug in their self-importance and righteousness, have to say to that???

The fact that Catholic leaders continue to tell us what is right and what is wrong and what GOD wants us to do and believe and not address their own abject failings as an institution and as god’s representatives on earth, tells us to take their words and actions for what they are worth…nothing!

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