Sunday, June 02, 2013

RHODE ISLAND, the most Catholic state in the union, legalizes gay marriage?

Read an interesting article in the Sunday Free Press titled: CATHOLIC CHURCH LOSES INFLUENCE ON GAY MARRIAGE / In Rhode Island, a telling defeat for church by Steve Peoples of the Associated Press.

I did not know this but the state of Rhode Island is the most Catholic state in the most Catholic region in the country.

In May, Rhode Island passed a law allowing gay marriage despite the Catholic Church’s huge lobbying effort against the law. The law was championed by openly gay state representative Frank Ferri who is speaker of the house in Rhode Island and has been a faithful member of the Catholic Church for decades…interesting…

What gives?

The article quoted the results of a poll that showed most Catholics believing that THEIR church is way out of touch with the views of American Catholics.

And very interesting to me is the fact that 4 out 5 Catholics in the U.S. say that they are more likely to follow THEIR OWN CONSCIENCE than the church’s teachings on difficult moral questions.

The poll showed 62% of U.S. Catholics supporting legalizing gay marriage.

74% believe abortion should be made available in at least some instances.

61% favor the death penalty.

The new pope (Francis) while a bishop in Argentina, supported CIVIL UNIONS for gay couples.

So what are we to make of this situation? 

The Vatican continues to tell Catholics what to believe and what to do and the Catholics are saying no thank you; I will believe and do what my conscience tells me and not you?

The Vatican keeps saying that it will not change its position on issues and Catholics are saying too bad but your positions on issues are wrong and you should change your positions?

This case in Rhode Island points to the fact that the Catholic Church has lost its ability to influence its own members because its own members no longer believe the church speaks for God but is a deeply flawed institution that has lost its credibility and therefore authority to lead Catholics worldwide.

What does all this portend for the future of the religion?

Interesting question…

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