Sunday, January 12, 2014

ECONOMY: Income Inequality Issue in 2014

I haven’t written on economic subjects but it appears that the time has come.

The subject of INCOME INEQUALITY IN AMERICA has been raised on a number of levels including in my own household with my wife (the socialist) eager to argue her point every time an article comes up in the paper addressing the issue.

I think everyone can agree that income equality or at least narrowing the great gap / divide in income in this country is a good idea not only for our economy (fuels growth) but for the welfare of individual Americans and their families.

Fact:   Income inequality is the highest since the 1920s; the income gap between the top 1% and the remaining 99%.

The cause(s) of this growing income gap and the solutions to narrow it are what the discussions / arguments are all about since there is no definitive data available to guide us; all we know is that the gap is wide and widening.

I have been reading about a number of approaches to this problem with one from the left being income distribution. Put into plain language, this means taxing the rich to give to the poor or rob Peter to pay Paul (Robin Hood philosophy).

These same people want a return of union power which would compel industry to raise wages by threatening strikes. They want to raise the minimum wage and institute a maximum wage based on a ratio of top to bottom wage amounts.

Another approach talks about educating Americans to be able to take the skilled labor jobs that now go wanting or are filled by foreign workers.

There is no question that we have seen a sea change in labor with globalization. No more high paying unskilled jobs which the middle class depended on to be in the middle class; having some type of skill in demand by the marketplace is now basically a must.

I do not have an answer to how best to narrow the income gap in this country but I do know that paying more for unskilled labor ($15/hour demanded by fast food workers) is counter-productive; it will contribute to inflation and will lead to more automation and therefore higher unemployment.

Income Inequality is the economic issue of 2014 and I will be following the discussion / debate closely because it will impact our society in a major way…so glad I am a boomer and retired…feel bad for the younger generation but hey, they are young and have time to adjust.



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