Tuesday, January 07, 2014

POPE FRANCIS: Priests as Little Monsters?

We’ll let us start the year with a great snow storm, arctic temperatures and a blog about Pope Francis; a very fascinating and historic figure.

The Pope’s recent headline grabbing comments included “POPE WARNS PRIESTS CAN BECOME ‘MONSTERS” By Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press as seen in the Detroit News 1/4/2014.

Basically the pope was warning church superiors of the failings of seminary training.

I have always stated that taking a kid after high school and placing him in a seminary where after some years, the kid becomes a priest, is fundamentally a flawed process since the “kid” is never allowed to experience “real” life and therefore, in my opinion, never fully reaches a normal male adulthood but is expected to “minister” to a community with a presumed “wisdom” of how life is to be led properly as per God’s direction.

This is an obvious absurdity and the current pope knows this and therefore is trying to address this issue. Francis did not join the priesthood until much later in his life becoming a chemist after attending university and actually serving as a night club bouncer; he also contemplated marriage.

Francis said of seminary training that “We must form their hearts; otherwise we are creating little monsters. And then the little monsters mold the people of God. This really gives me goose bumps”.

Francis does not outline the exact changes he wants to make to current seminary training but I think he wants to change the product produced by seminaries especially as evidenced by the current crop of church leaders that preach how people should behave (anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-contraception, etc.) without understanding how society and the people in that society, function.

I believe that young adult males (18) who desire to become priests, should attend a secular university and receive a degree before they are accepted into a seminary. Otherwise, entering a seminary after high school is the same as entering military service where the very impressionable young men are basically molded into soldiers / priests before learning to think for themselves which comes through life experience; in fact, they don’t want you to think or have any independent thoughts; the easier it will be for you to follow orders without hesitation.

It appears that Pope Francis has been thinking about issues in the church for quite some time and just when he was ready to retire and spend the remaining years in prayer and contemplation, he gets a chance to act on his concerns and change history!






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