Saturday, January 21, 2006


I have been hearing a lot of negative comments about WAL-MART for a long time now. My wife is part of the anti-Wal Mart brigade and shops there only in emergencies - they always have what you want.

I am not saying that Wal Mart is not guilty of some of the accusations but I draw the line when State Legislatures are passing laws that compel businesses like Wal Mart to do certain things. In this case, the laws are mandating companies with 10,000 employees or more, to contribute 8% of their payroll to employee medical insurance coverage.

I am a business owner and a firm believer in our capitalist system and in a free marketplace. I have always provided health coverage to my employees (25 years) but lately have found it necessary to ask them to pay a small percentage of their health insurance premiums because those premiums are getting way out of hand.

No one compels me to offer health insurance but most business owners will tell you that it is the best way to find and keep good employees. I will continue to provide health insurance to my employees as long as I can afford it.

Now, States like Maryland have passed laws mandating 8% of payroll to health benefits. West Virginia, Wisconsin and MICHIGAN are looking at passing similar legislation. They are obviously supported by various UNIONS in those States.

This to me smacks of SOCIALISM / COMMUNISM. What made America great is our capitalist system. We are the envy of the world - why would you want to fuck it up. Remember what happened to the Soviet Union?

Wal Mart is a business and like any business has to do everything in its power to survive in the business world. If it is a public company, it is responsible to its shareholders - they are the owners of the business.

Wal Mart employs thousands (1.5 million) of people throughout the country. The employees are free; they are not forced to work at Wal Marts. They can leave for better jobs anytime they want.

Wal Mart is a successful business - it makes money. Wal Mart management is doing a good job. Once State government starts dictating what Wal Mart has to do, management can no longer do its job - the company is now compromised.

In Quebec, Wal Mart was forced to accept a union - they closed and left 200 without jobs. Wal Mart may have to do something similar in the United States. In Michigan, Wal Mart employs some 20,000 people. What would happen if it basically closed up shop. I think the State of Michigan would get the message and so would every other state in the union.

Yes it is playing hardball, yes it is brutal but what would you have them do. The entire capitalistic system in the U.S. would be in danger and with it the welfare of all Americans.

Remember that here in Michigan, auto companies are basically fucked because unions have made health care expenses so unmanageable that some firms may now face bankruptcy. Why do we want to do the same to Wal Mart? Are we that stupid?


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