Friday, January 20, 2006


My last blog talked about John Roberts and the fact that he probably is a loyal BUSH man who will represent the far right in his Supreme Court decisions as evidenced by his stance against the Oregon Death With Dignity law with Scalia and Thomas.

If Sam Alito is a Roberts clone - we are all in trouble.

Originally I thought that Alito, a son of immigrant parents, was probably raised well and taught the value of common sense and fairness and could think for himself and was not brainwashed by any one philosophy. Listening to him at the Congressional hearings I took his side and believed that he was a decent guy who would make the right decisions based on the Constitution and his conscience. Lately though, I have been having doubts.

More and more information is coming out about his judicial history and it does not look good.
Are his ideas and opinions set in stone? He says they are not but do we believe him?

We must remember that previous nominees who appeared to be very conservative at the outset, have turned out to be wise and fair once they got on the bench. We have to believe that once on the bench, appointed for life, Alito would not be bound to anyone person, group or philosophy - he could be his own man. It has happened before, can it happen in this case?

The problem is that our freedoms are at stake. I feel more threatened by BUSH and his kind than I have ever felt threatened before. Bush is even scaring Republicans because he is not a true Republican, he is on a mission from his god and will use whatever means to accomplish his mission - that is toooooooooooooooooo scary. Alito could give Bush unbridled power over the country.

Anyway, there is not much we can do to prevent Bush from loading the Supreme Court with these right wing fanatics. We are at his mercy. We can only hope that the next president will get a chance to appoint judges that will counter these fanatics and prevent them from doing too much damage to our country.


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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...