Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To: The Detroit News
Re: “Ignore Kevorkian’s suicide drumbeat”, May 28, 2007

In your editorial “Ignore Kevorkian’s suicide drumbeat”, May 28, you state that “Assisted suicide, by its nature, can’t be regulated” yet you must be aware that in Oregon, a well regulated doctor assisted suicide program has been available since 1998. Based on the exemplary performance of the Oregon plan, Californians will probably follow suite and allow doctor assisted suicides in their state.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


A headline on the internet news caught my eye: ANGRY ATHEISTS ARE HOT AUTHORS. I told you there was a movement under foot!

I called these guys “Aggressive Secularists” but many are calling them “Militant Atheists”. These are the writers that I started reading. They include:

Christopher Hitchens: God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
Sam Harris: The End of Faith & Letter to a Christian Nation
Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion
Daniel Dennett: Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

I will have more to say about these books as I finish reading each one but as I mentioned in my previous blogs, I am intrigued by this new anti-religion phenomenon and what is it trying to achieve.

Even in the secular community, which is small (2% of Americans consider themselves non-believers and only 14% call themselves secular) some are calling for calm and that a “war” on religion will not be prudent.

I think what they are saying is that a war of this nature cannot be won (people are set in their beliefs period) and that our efforts should be aimed at preventing religion from controlling our lives (political).

Well that is all very good but as you have noticed, religion is being crammed down our throats whether you like it or not and our government is doing the cramming; so much for the Constitution!

You only have a number of ways to protect yourself from religious influence; fight it in the courts using the “Separation of Church and State” Constitutional argument which is being done by organizations like “Americans United for Separation of Church and State” run by Barry W. Lynn an ordained United Church of Christ minister or seek converts in the ranks of people that are not happy with their religious belief system.

To sway people that are having doubts about their belief system you have to show them the error of their ways in a logical and well reasoned fashion which the above mentioned authors and their books are attempting to do.

I have often mentioned that I feel these religious people will need a replacement for their beliefs and telling them to just be atheists is not going to work; they need something else. Some of these authors address this concern of mine by writing chapters titled “It’s OK to be an Atheist”. Why can’t you be an “Agnostic”? They say it is just “fence sitting”! Well I will tell you if I am convinced after reading some of this stuff.

The fact that these books are hot sellers is very telling; something is going on. I think Bush’s religious push despite the Constitution, Congress being influenced by radical right-wing Christianity and the damage done by the Muslim extremists has people questioning this whole religion thing; is it good or bad for us.

Let us see where this whole phenomenon goes!


I have spent part of this Memorial Day weekend reading some of the editorials that invariably appear at this time. Some are standard, others are detailed with many examples and some explore the changes in our society as to how we look at and treat our military heroes.

Recounting some of the heroics of our military heroes through the ages still produces goose bumps and brings a silent tear to our eyes.

These men and women performed unimaginable feats of bravery to protect their fellow soldiers and to win the battle for their beloved country.

In past wars, the enemy was easy to spot and everyone knew how victory was to be achieved. Soldiers knew what they were fighting for and gladly sacrificed their own safety to protect country and home.

Today we have an all volunteer military, the draft has been abolished. Today’s soldiers joined the military because they wanted to; some for economic reasons (better their life) and because protecting one’s country is a very noble profession.

Today’s soldiers fighting and dieing in Iraq are just as brave and heroic as soldiers of the past and should be honored as such. What makes their situation different from military engagements of the past is that for the first time in our history, we are not sure who the enemy really is. We are also unsure what victory will look like or even if it is a definable goal.

The Vietnam War had an enemy; the Communists attacking the non-Communists. Our job was to keep the Communists out of South Vietnam and eventually secure a permanent border between the North and the South, keeping the South democratic. By doing this we would keep Communism from spreading to all of Asia. We, the eighteen and nineteen year-olds at that time, were fighting to keep the world safe from Communism; the enemy of democracy.

Well, we failed and we lost a lot of American soldiers. We could have won but I will not get into that now. The point is we knew what we were fighting for even though with hindsight, it was a foolish war that killed a lot of our young people.

The war in Iraq is beyond foolish; it is absurd. Our soldiers are still brave and heroic but for the first time in our history, do not know the purpose they are sacrificing their safety and in many cases, their lives.

This Memorial Day we should remember those that gave their lives for us and our country and continue to do so but we should also take the opportunity to examine our current situation, how we got here and how we are going to get out and most importantly, how to prevent our present situation in Iraq from ever happening again.

Yes, we as Americans allowed Iraq to happen and are ultimately responsible for the lives of our soldiers who gave up their tomorrows for absolutely nothing; shame on us!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Continuing my musings on why some people need religion and others do not, I come to the question of why Europe, Western Europe to be exact is so secular.

The latest statistics I found are between 1970 and 2003 and they include weekly church attendance; a somewhat of an indicator of secularism.

Church attendance in the Netherlands fell from 41% to 12%. In France the decline was from 23% to 8%.

Belief in a Christian god in the Netherlands was 80% in 1947 and in 2004 was 50%.

In Western Europe only 10-20% of the people said that religion was very important in their lives while in the U.S. nearly 60% say it is very important and nearly 80% believe in some form of divine being. Wow – now that is a difference.

There is no single answer but some factors stand out. The history of Western Europe is replete with religious drama where the “Church” took on a political and financial role in society that sometimes bordered on dictatorial and fanatical.

In Western Europe people actually learned something from history and vowed never again. In the United States, the Founding Fathers were versed in European history but not the ordinary man. Thank heaven the Founding fathers wrote the Constitution with knowledge of European religious oppression very fresh in their minds.

Early American immigrants were actually escaping European religious oppression when they came here. They were looking for a country where they could practice their religion in peace. They were looking for religious freedom so they were pleased with a Constitution that guaranteed them that freedom.

In Western Europe, they have seen what mixing religion and government can do and just decided to stay clear of organized religion in general.

Other reports about Western European secularism paint these Europeans as people that believe that religion should be seen but not heard; use it for funerals and such but that’s all. To me it indicates that they still require religion for ritual and ceremony but not for any personal or communal reason – it’s a habit.

I can empathize here a little like when our daughter was married; she and her husband (Scottish) chose a non-denominational minister of sorts that spoke of the spiritual life in the bounds of nature, if I recall correctly.

My own wedding much earlier was steeped in Catholic traditionalism with holy water and smoke and high ceremony but no matter how many times the priest says “what god has joined let no man put asunder” divorces are on the rise like no other time in history.

Will Americans eventually become secularists like the Europeans? Well maybe but not in our life time. Many current immigrants stay religious as part of their group makeup and identity. It takes a while for people to feel comfortable as Americans and only then will they entertain thoughts, ideas and beliefs other than those of their tightly knit ethnic community but in time…


Why am I criticizing the Democrats? Because they lack the brains and the political balls to challenge Bush and do what the voters asked them to do; get us THE HELL out of Iraq!

I understand politics and realize that Carl Rove plays politics better than the Democrats. He has tied Iraq funding to “support for the troops” and the Democrats including the biggest chicken-shit Democrat from Michigan, Carl Levin, don’t want to appear that they do not support our troops, so he and they will just give Bush what he wants.

The truth be told, support for our troops means getting them out of the hell-hole Bush put them in. They are sitting ducks with no clear mission and absolutely no end-game plan. They will be there until we run out of troops OR they are pulled out or reassigned to border guard duty like I suggested in previous blogs.

True, democrats cannot override Bush’s veto and Republicans in Congress are waiting to attach the “unpatriotic” label to obstructionist Democrats but there are ways to get out from under that yoke and it’s not by attaching the minimum wage bill and declaring a Democratic victory – bullshit!

Number one – Americans no longer buy into the “support the troops” ploy; they know the troops want to come home. Make your case that by forcing Bush into ending the war, you ARE supporting our troops – use your media savvy for god’s sake.

Number two - do not give Bush what he wants; give him enough money for one month – take it or leave it – and stand your ground!

Be prepared to take it all the way down to the wire and when the money runs out blame Bush for not supporting our troops – believe me – he would not sacrifice the safety of our troops or would he. Nevertheless, you ARE sacrificing the safety of our troops every day you do nothing to stop this war.

There are ways to ending this war without pulling out. I have talked about these ways ad nauseam; Bush just doesn’t want to listen and I have lost hope that he even has a realistic plan for Iraq anymore. It surely could not still be that Iraq will become a peace loving Democracy and serve as a shinning example for the rest of the Middle East – pleeeeeeeeeeease!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


May of 2007 means that I have turned 60. The Baby Boomers, the hippies of the 60s are now becoming 60 themselves.

I know many of my generation did not believe they would ever see 60 and many of them did not but we remain the largest generational group ever. Our size means that whatever we do as a group; the country will be impacted.

Our rebellion against the social order in the 1960s did not mean we were all of like mind. Obviously our current president is part of our group and look how he turned out.

No, we did not achieve the greatness we thought we would; we had such hopes. President Bush single-handedly screwed things up big time and he is only one man!

Anyway, I am looking forward to my 60s. I still feel pretty good and my intentions are to travel – all over. I have done a good bit of traveling already but now I want to travel for pleasure with my wife and not for business. History is my passion and I want to indulge it.

My son gave me a book titled something like, the thousand places you want to visit before you die and I am going to start reading it!

Friday, May 18, 2007


Staying with the topic of religion, I mused in my previous blogs about indications that we humans need religion because we cannot exist in a world / life where there are great voids in our knowledge base.

The professor teaching my “Axial Age of Religions” course laments the fact that religion(s) fill voids and therefore eliminate all mystery in our existence. He feels that some mystery is somehow good for us because it keeps us thinking, guessing and searching. Religion on the other hand, with absolute certainty (where certainty is not possible) answers all our questions, filling all voids.

Can we live with uncertainty? History shows us that we prefer not to and look to religion or invent a religion, to remove uncertainty and bring peace and tranquility to our existence.

The new aggressive secularists think we do not need god(s) to live a happy and satisfying life.

These new atheists challenge religious beliefs and in basically all cases can show that what religions teach and preach is based on nothing more than imaginings of a few. Members of religions are asked to have faith, to believe that somehow these imaginings are true even though based on absolutely nothing with no way of proving that they are even remotely true.

My contention is that these believers would rather believe in someone’s imaginings rather than nothing; read void.

I look inward to examine why is it that I have no problem with empty spaces in my knowledge base. I relish the search. I envy people that will live in the future, a future where other worlds will be discovered and other ‘people’. Where current religions will be washed away as mere superstitions but will other ‘religions’ / superstitions take their place?

Myth and ritual are very powerful forces in our world and have been right from the beginning. I am not sure we can just eliminate religion without offering a substitute.

So why do most Western Europeans live without religion and remain happy and satisfied. I need to look into that a little bit more.

Russia and China were officially atheistic for so many years. Why is religion making such great strides in those countries now that officially, religion(s) can flourish?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

More thoughts on the "FIRST COMMUNION"...

I have been thinking more about the First Communion blog and my ambivalent feelings about the subject.

My family follows their Catholic heritage because they want to. They feel it is the right thing to do and yes, because of habit and rearing.

Trying to influence them to see the “light” would go absolutely nowhere. The only thing I can depend on is my own small contribution to enlightenment; my own two children. I think what shocked me attending my family First Communion programs and seeing the large number of participants is that my contribution and the contribution of people like me, is so miniscule when compared to the other side. I hope I am wrong and that my experience is not the norm in this country but I feel like it is.

Aggressive secularism should not direct their aggression against the common folk and I will explain momentarily, but when the Republican candidates for president were asked who does not believe in evolution and most of them raised their hands, the target becomes clearer.

I have to add that the serious contenders like McCain said that they believe in evolution but see the hand of God there – smart politicians.

As a history nut, I look backward to see why humans needed and still need religion. But as I say this I also must note that in Western Europe, religion is basically a non issue – why? And why are Americans so bloody religious?

Some form of religion has been with us from the very beginning. Unexplainable phenomenon always made more sense when a god was named as the instigator.

In my current studies of Buddhism (~500 B.C.E.) and Confucianism (~500 B.C.E.), both very, very old “religious” movements (way before Jesus was even born), I detect some reasons for human religiosity.

The interesting thing about both movements is that they were not about god or gods or heaven; they were about humans and their life on earth. Basically about correct behavior but I AM simplifying.

Anyway, the thing that struck me about both movement creators is that they encouraged ritual to the gods of heaven even though their preaching had nothing to do with god or heaven.

I think they both realized that humans needed to worship something that they thought had influence over their daily lives and their afterlife. Buddha and Confucius way back when, realized a basic human need and addressed it.

Who am I to question that wisdom? Telling humans that religion(s) are human creations used to manipulate and have nothing to do with god(s) or the supernatural without giving them a substitute belief system will just not work; humans need something no matter how preposterous.

I may make fun of the trinity theology, virgin birth and resurrection but hey, what do I have to replace that with; a big black hole?

The aggressive secularists need to concentrate their power on the people that take religion and use it to control others. I have no problem with personal religious beliefs but I do mind when those religious beliefs are used to control the rest of us.

But you may argue that those controlling people derive their power from the “believers” and so we do need to reach those people also.

Well enough confusion for the time being; more confusion to follow.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Recently, I attended a number of “First Communion” ceremonies and receptions. I was raised a Catholic and also went through all the catholic rituals including first communion.

The rituals have not changed much nor have the required dark suits for little boys and elaborate wedding gown type dresses for the little girls.

As I sat, stood, shook hands (I don’t kneel) through the Mass I was amazed at the number of children going through this religious ceremony; it was quite disheartening.

The children stared at the priest who talked about their acceptance of Jesus, the son of God, into their bodies. I wondered what was going through their young minds. I know my grandnephew was getting sick and about to throw up.

God has a son? But I thought there was only ONE God. Who is this Holy Spirit that is yet another God? How can a kid grasp such utter nonsense? How can an adult priest spout such unbelievable hocus-pocus? And yet they do and have been doing for a very long time and they never question anything; it’s automatic.

I usually never say anything during these family gatherings but if I have a few drinks, I sometimes, before leaving, mutter something like “how can you guys believe in this absurd, superstitious nonsense”. I get looks that say “how can you NOT believe in this sacred stuff; you must be insane”.

I then realize that I cannot discuss the subject of religion with these people; my family. My brother at least understands where I am coming from and jokes that lightening will hit the church when I enter.

One family member said that if we don’t do this (Church & Communion) the kids will turn to drugs and sex and all sorts of BAD things. OK, at least here is a point to discuss but I though otherwise; there is no point(s) to discuss because these people are brainwashed and have been since birth.

They do religious things out of habit. They don’t really give it any thought because the Catholic Church has done its job very well; don’t read the Bible and believe only what you are told by the priest or in my case, the teaching nuns.

So why am I different? I went through the same rigid indoctrination and had / have a mother that is a super catholic BUT with a streak of religious independence that I must have detected in her at an early age; she is pro-choice and thinks popes and priest are just MEN who sometimes don’t know what they are talking about.

She encouraged me to find out answers to questions she could not answer and I did; it has been a lifelong journey of learning for me and it continues to this very day.

I embrace the new “aggressive secularism” movement and think people like me should not just sit politely and accept the absurdity that is religion. We need to challenge, point out the delusion and yet?

I have to think about how we can practice aggressive secularism in a way that actually makes a difference.


Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...