Tuesday, March 17, 2009

RELIGION: Pope is dumb as dirt!

Pope Benedict is visiting Africa. He has decided to share his vast wisdom with the African people. He has proclaimed that using condoms will not prevent or cure AIDS or even lessen the incidence of AIDS. In fact it will make things worst. Only ABSTINENCE from sex will cure AIDS.

These are the wisdom words of the great white father who speaks for god and god must know what prevents AIDS – right?

Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter, the one that got pregnant during the political campaign, called her conservative mother’s insistence on “abstinence” instead of sex education with contraception instruction, unrealistic and unworkable – obviously – take it from one that knows.

I am not going to teach the Pope how AIDS gets transmitted or about what the medical profession knows about AIDS and its prevention, I will just say that this Pope, with all his purported intellectual brilliance, is dumber than dirt, to use an old Southern phrase.

He cannot hope that intelligent people would listen to his words with any sense of seriousness. The fact that he thinks he can get away with uttering such absurdities means that he considers his flock also dumb as dirt or hopes they actually are dumb as dirt because if they are not, they will see how sick the Catholic Church really is.

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